Foodsaving Worldwide Home
This project is about working on expanding the foodsharing network to non-German-speaking areas and connecting to already existing similar initiatives to build a strong real-life movement of foodsavers and -sharers.
A short text about the significance of foodsaving worldwide (formerly called FSINT= foodsharing international) for the bigger vision of yunity can be found here.
Main working areas:
- collecting information to provide orientation for international initiatives and enthusiastic individuals
- developing a minimalist tool for international initiatives to manage store pick-ups
- planning the Foodsaving Tours to go places and help people start foodsharing
Navigating the content on the wiki:
- Material to get started
Pretty much ready content, definitely presentable to people - foodsharing Wiki for International Audiences
Condensed form of the German foodsharing wiki, remade to fit an international crowd - Foodsaving worldwide team section
Working space: ideas, meeting minutes and unfinished content
Join us!
Register at and join the #foodsaving-worldwide channel.
Collection of information
The first task in this project was to restructure and then translate and adapt the information gathered by in their own German wiki. This work-in-progress can be found on the foodsharing Wiki for International Audiences
Because the time of this great idea simply has come, there are foodsaving and -sharing initiatives starting near and far, even without any help from us. The obvious thing to do is mapping them and gathering as much info as possible about how they work. Initiatives we have visited ourselves or are in contact with are described in detail in the Existing initiatives.
If you happen to have any information about foodsaving and/or -sharing projects not mentioned in this list, contact Janina Abels, she will appreciate it a lot!
Over the last years in which grew bigger and bigger and attracted a lot of attention from media and society, many enthusiastic people wrote to them. We had the great opportunity to go through their mailbox and evaluate the requests there.
If you are one of the hopefully many international foodsharing enthusiasts and want to be included in this list Janina Abels will gladly add you!
Lean tool for managing store pick-ups
As of now is not open source and does not support translation to different languages, so non-German-speaking people basically can't use it. The promised full-fledged yunity platform still needs an unforseeable amount of time to be realized and we want to support the already existing and thriving foodsaving and -sharing communities now.
That's why the idea was born to build a tool named Karrot that recreates the most distinct functionalities provides: The possibility to create virtual images of stores with a dedicated team of foodsavers and time slots for pick-ups, in which interested foodsavers can simply enter themselves by clicking. The big advantage to the now commonly used google spreadsheets is, that nobody can sign up somebody else for a pick-up. Also a nice user interface is of course more user friendly than a sheet.
If you are interested in contributing to planning, designing and building this tool, visit the github repo and/or contact Tilmann, he will be very happy about it!
To give translation support to the Karrot project visit the corresponding transifex page and just get going!
Foodsaving Tours
We prepare information, we build a tool and we establish contact with interested people all over Europe and beyond. What is missing? Right, actually going to the people who want to start foodsharing in their cities and provide them with all the support we can to make it reality!
This idea was born in summer 2016 and is still in its planning stages. Still, the yunity people love to travel and many of them are constantly on the road anyways, so you could say it already started.
If you are interested in going on the road with us, contact Janina Abels, she will happily add you to the Foodsaving Tours page!
Complete contents
- What is foodsaving?
- Material to get started
- Existing initiatives
- Existing platforms
- foodsharing Wiki for International Audiences
- Karrot
- Planning
- Notes from meetings: yunity, Foodsaving Tool, karrot
- Template for sprint planning
- 2016-02-08 Specification meeting
- 2016-02-10 Catch-up and workflow meeting
- 2016-02-13 Product Meeting, Extended Team
- 2016-02-21 Workflow and planning meeting
- 2016-03-18 Scrum, product and more
- 2016-03-24 Sprint planning (WuppDays #6, sprint #1)
- 2016-03-24 Talking about Scrum
- 2016-05-22 Product Q&A
- 2016-05-25 Scope and scalability of yunity
- 2016-06-11 Specifications, waterfall, agile...
- Sprint #6 (WD7-S1) Retrospective
- Sprint #6 (WD7-S1) Review
- Sprint #7 (WD7-S2) Planning
- Sprint #7 (WD7-S2) Retrospective
- Sprint #8 Planning
- Sprint 8 Retrospective
- Sprint 9 retrospective
- Sprint #10 planning
- Sprint 10# retrospective
- Walk #11 planning
- Walk #12 planning
- Walk #13 planning
- 2016-09-13 - Narrowing down features
- 2016-10-17 Review & Planning
- 2017-02-18 Dev meeting
- 2017-06-30 Planning meeting
- 2018-03-28 Mini Roadmap Meeting
- 2018-05-08 Karrot Dev Call
- Licensing
- Tips & tricks for development process
- Karrot user call #1
- Foodsaving Worldwide Team
- How to build a foodsaving community
Recently Updated
- Former user (Deleted) (2143 days ago)
- Janina Abels (2143 days ago)
- Tilmann (2336 days ago)
- Lars Wolf (2444 days ago)
- Sana Rajkovic (2710 days ago)
- Kristijan Miklobusec (2752 days ago)
- Andreas Langecker (2926 days ago)
- Nick Sellen (2926 days ago)
- Joachim Thome (2929 days ago)
- Philip Engelbutzeder (2949 days ago)
- Arno Döpper (2994 days ago)
- Bodhi Neiser (3049 days ago)
- Flo Hoyer (3050 days ago)
- Konrad Becker (3050 days ago)
- Stefan Simon (3059 days ago)
- ...
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