2016-05-19 - FSINT guidelines

2016-05-19 - FSINT guidelines

Present: Janina AbelsBodhi Neiserfritz holscherTilmannTais Real
Notary: Tais Real
Location: Kirchheim Unter Teck (and Skype)


The creation of online guidelines to help food saving communities around the world, by providing useful info and documents we have gathered from foodsharing.de (and other existing projects)

Open Questions:

  • In which team does this community building fit?
  • How far would we link the article / video to yunity ? (cc license?)
  • If these are to be helpful, flexible guidelines and not compulsory instructions, how far are we actually “allowed” to use the foodsharing material? Logo, etc.?

[Meeting begins: 10:40]



We want to give a way in for communities to engage with yunity from the beginning on.

We want to help those communities happen all over the world as they will be the users of yunity's platform.


One project divided into two :

1. Guidelines to creating your own sharing community (subpage on yunity.org)

2. Wiki section (on the FSINT wiki) / foodsaving start-kit


1- Guidelines : less details, inspirational page, more than foodsaving (+ facebook sharing groups, +dumpster diving guide)


  • TR: contacting people from Edinburgh, Slovakia, Copenhagen. Want changemakers and potential changemakers all over the world to point out what they think could help them out in that process. Waiting on answers.
  •  fritz holscher reads through the article (linked) and adds tips & content he thinks appropriate
  • Janina Abels contacts Karolina (FS Poland) for : help (advice and documents) and biography (inspirational page)
  • want to have final content figured out in June


2- Foodsharing International Wiki : strictly for setting up a foodsaving association (detailed guidelines, paperwork example, flyers and other promotion material)


  • An actually simplified version of the restructured, translated version JA has been working on - because foodsharing.de can't come to an agreement on how the wiki should be restructured and aren't unanimously happy with results. 
    First version : adapted to German content, won't be used too closely to foodsharing.de.
  • Open task: restructure wiki. Shorten and adapt to international crowd the (already restructured) first version. (JA tired of restructuring wikis)
  • BN: Shouldn't we call this the Foodsaving International Movement instead of Foodsharing? A lot of confusion on what we do... which is actually mostly saving (all agree).TR: It would also solve problems on foodsharing.de members not agreeing on how we're implementing the international version.
  • Change Foodsharing International to Foodsaving International  (Tilmann?)
     and maybe check if this decision needs to involve more people.

Stages :

1. finalize documentation

2. design (make printable versions of guidelines, flyers material)

3. website implementation



foodsharing.de suggested a mentoring system: each new foodsharing community around the world gets an experienced mentor from foodsharing.de. TR: we want to enable people to start saving food, not dictate the german method onto them. Why would FS.de get to decide how FSINT will function? Because they were first? BN: agreed, but a lot of FS Orgateam strongly disagree.

If these are to be helpful, flexible guidelines and not compulsory instructions, how far are we actually “allowed” to use the foodsharing material? Logo, etc.?



FH: create a simple graphic, nicely done video to engage people - adding links to guideline and wiki section. TR: won't get into that just yet, needs to focus on finishing up the article first, but likes the idea.

FH: Make a teaser video to get people to that page once it's published

- How far would we link the article / video to yunity?


BN: Within foodsharing.de, many emails from people all around the world who want to start foodsharing locally. Foodsharing.de has nothing to offer them. Should we inform the person in charge of answering these emails about the guidelines and wiki section once finished, so that he/she can link it to people who are interested? Or rather :

  • get these emails from foodsharing.de and answer them ourselves once the guidelines are out (Janina keen to do it)
  • get in touch right now with some of those possible changemakers to ask for opinion/help on building the start-kit (Taïs keen to do it)


FH: shouldn't we get in touch w. product team to make sure we're on the same level with final product?

TR: doubts about clarity of product specification at the moment. Feel free to try.

[Meeting ends: 11:30]


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