

An idea for an additional page on yunity.org, in order to encourage people to build up a sharing community wherever they may be. It's an important step in the development of yunity: setting up sharing networks from which we can easily gather users once the platform is launched. It will only build trust if we help the creation of some of these by handing out simple advice and share the material we have gathered so far.

Create your own sharing community!

You witness the waste and you realize how powerful we could be if we just reused together instead of throwing away individually? You want to start making change happen in your town, whether by administrating a sharing facebook group or a local foodsharing community? While we are working on developing the yunity software, which will enable communities all around the world to share extensively, we encourage you to already get started.

Let us help you!

(idea: table of content with subtitles within subpages - legal situation, community building...)

  •  Start your foodsaving community

    Follow the example of foodsharing.de and rescue thousands of tons of food!
  •  Start your unconditional item sharing online network
    Do as Free your Stuff, Verschenk's and Share&Care groups: connect free resources to people who need them!


MAP with pin points of food saving initiatives around the world


SUCESS STORIES - with expansion (best case scenario, we link them within the map in an awesome interactive way - maybe with openstreetmap?)



If you want to help us extend and expand this information, fill in our “join the team” form to get in touch with us. We are happy to work collaboratively on this, and many other tasks!

Feel free to contact us with any enquiry about this topic: we have organizational experience, a lot of good will and a database of foodsaving initiatives and enthusiasts worldwide!


Keep in mind that an app is coming that will simplify all your saving & sharing!

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