2016-08-05 - Dreaming/Planning Meeting
Present: Janina Abels, Axel Kalitzki, Philip Engelbutzeder, Naomi, Marian Roselló Tomás, Anna O'Neill, Chrisi, Douglas Webb, Zed Redstone, Robert Werth, Matthias Larisch, AlexanderF, Tilmann, Adrian
Notary: Douglas WebbJanina Abels
Location: Kirchheim unter Teck
[Meeting begins at 11:30 a.m.]
Summary of past activities
FSINT as part of the movement
-> setting the stage for the yunity platform by building up foodsharing communities
-> traveling to different places, creating a strong network and spreading foodsharing
-> not waiting for a platform but working on a userbase while development takes place
Up to now:
-> collecting and restructuring information from the lebensmittelretten.de wiki
- translation of the first restructuration (Germany focused)
- second restructuration on confluence (aimed at international audiences)
- guidelines subpage on yunity.org
- manual on how to run Fair-Share Points (incl. rules sheet, cleaning rota, statement on politics and religion)
- manual on how to build up cooperations with stores (incl. professionalism for foodsavers)
- example liability waiver from edinburgh, FSP legal statement from uppsala
-> taking over international communication for foodsharing.de
- evaluation of the inbox for international contacs of foodsharing.de
- some mail exchanges/Slack conversations
-> inviting interested and active people to #fs-international on the yunity Slack
-> starting to develop a lean foodsaving tool for international initiatives
-> starting foodsharing copenhagen and rotterdam
PE: Clarifies that there is a separate foodsharing wiki to the yunity wiki.
JA: Emphasis on international audience, information, tools, concepts relevant to all - even how to use without a software platform (especially them). Manuals on how to run a Fair-Share Point, set up cooperations, etc. Foodsharing started up in Rotterdam, Copenhagen, Taiwan, France, Poland, Edinburgh. Inviting people who are itnerested in FSINT to join #fs-international on yunity slack.
CF: Important to integrate existing communities and design well - offers to give advice Janina.
JA: Started interfacing with people all over the world interested in starting (emails coming into foodsharing.de). Many requests for software, and other people wanting to start right now.
TB: For me, foodsharing has a very important saving element. this meeting -
JA: Discussions about how to name the movement... advantages to calling it foodsharing to tap into the existing movement, but not everyone has heard of it so perhaps there are semantically superior names.
CF: I'm confused about the protocol for this meeting and what it is about.
TB: Let's do a round.
A: Want to see the status of foodsharing.
NL: Interested in the human element and how it works with the app being developed with Alex.
Adrian: Want to check against reality. Connection is important.
ML: For an update to FSINT, to learn how to contribute. See foodsharing being heavily saving based.
RL: Just got here, happy to see people. Integrate learning from running a sharing communit in Bamberg.
AoN: Want to learn from others and their strategies and package it to be useful for most people. Expand the network. Dealing with food is at the bottom of the pyramid.
M: To get to know more about the project. Help to join the fractured communities to Spain. Desire to learn.
AK: Dream of a world without food waste. Lots of oportunities with this powerful idea. Easy to spread.
JA: Similar to Adrian, connections are important. Food being wasted makes me sad. Important for yunity to have this focus right now. In the meantime people can start now, before the platform. After a year we will have a huge network to use the software.
DW: Sharing and saving are the same coin.
CF: Want to accommodate everyone's needs at the same time. Ask me question before you assume I'm being difficult, there is usually a reason.
PE: Saving and sharing are two parts. One is that we're living in crazy capitalistic surplus. Think this way of doing things is based on reciprocity. We talked about how to break into groups. We broke into small groups.
RL: Had the impression that there would be a report.
CM: difference between yunity and foodsharing.
TB: primary objective - there was a syscon about what we should focus on and foodsharing international is part of the primary objective atm.
JA: story of Pakistan and rice balls.
Adrian: a platform can make change happen. snowball effect of change. we talked about looking for movements in Spain. connecting with people already working in Spain.
AoN: combining disco soup with foodsharing.
NL: What is disco soup.
AoN: Discosoup is a big meal from saved food, with music. In a big public area.
Adrian: Is there a list of similar initiatives?
PE: Robert was working on that.
RL: Yeah, I also attended a conference on sharing and they also had a long list of initiatives.
Planning phase summary
General approach: Just go places and start foodsharing!
What to do first is what needs to be clarified.
- Contact the people on the mail evaluation list or refugee camps?
- Develop the foodsaving tool or travel around?
- How and to what extend should the German community be included?
- What can be done simultaneously?
Things that need to be done in preperation:
- Spread the word of this new plan in the germanophone community and recruit enthusiastic people.
- Make a good collection of media in the language of the target city.
- Translate the basic manuals and the liability waiver if possible.
Things that need to be done on site:
- Build or contact a community to be the local foodsharing core-group.
- Establish contatct to stores and agree on pick-up times.
- Carry out the pick-ups and distribute the food.
Additional points and ideas:
FÖJ volunteers for foodsharing:
- The state pays health insurance and spending money.
- foodsharing would be an attractive partner: ubiquous, ecological, educational, purposeful, etc.
- The FÖJ-people could do pick-ups, clean FSPs, do orga-stuff, etc.
foodsharing as a trash company:
- Getting the trash and be paid for it! :D
What is our philosophy? Is facebook okay? What about hierarchy etc.?
- foodsharing.de is explicitly hierarchical, but it's not a closed power hierarchy. everybody can become an ambassador if they are motivated and spend the time.
- The germanophone community only serves as example, nobody has to adopt the hierarchical system.
- facebook is not ideal, but it works. As soon as there was a facebook group in Rotterdam things grew quickly.
[Meeting ends at 13:30, with planned continuation on the next day]
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