foodsharing Wiki for International Audiences
These pages aim to provide useful information for people who want to start foodsharing in their regions.
We are working on transforming the German foodsharing wiki into a shorter and less restrictive manual, to enable people from around the world to start their own foodsharing communities, while benefitting from the experiences in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
If you'd like to participate, contact one of our editors or simply start with the documents in TODO.
Keep in mind!
Like everything you learn from text on paper or screens, this also is just an opinion on how things like this could be handled. If you think you know better, just follow your gut and go ahead, really! We didn’t plan on restricting people in any way! The sole purpose of these pages is to provide information on how this topic can be approached, based loosely on the experiences of German foodsharing and/or some of its members.
The version you are seeing at the moment is still not finished and thus:
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