

Fair-Sharing is a neologism made by the terms ‘fair’ and ‘sharing’/’share’ and describes that something (in our case food) will be given to others unconditionally.


In the case of foodsharing, Fair-Sharing of food means

  • to give it to friends and family

  • to share it with your neighbours

  • to create a Foodbasket on the online platform, so interested people can pick up the food at your place

  • to bring it to local Fair-Share Points (exact addresses are on the map)

  • to bring it to local points of acceptance (e.g. refugee camps, shelters for the homeless, railway missions, deaconries, etc.) (please ask for exact addresses in regional forums!)

The Foodsavers themselves can keep as much food as they can make use of and share the rest with other people on their own accord. We wish the sharing to be as sustainable as possible. That means that unnecessarily far trips for the sole purpose of picking up food should be avoided and that going by foot or by bike is better than using fueled vehicles. It can be useful though to take a car if you have plenty of food to pick up and a cargo bike is not spacious enough or not available.

Fair-Sharing and neediness

Fair-Sharing is unconditional which means, nobody has to be needy in any kind of way to get from us. The main focus is definitely the prevention of waste. It is not important, who eats the food, as long at it does not end up in a container! In some countries there is a legal definition on who counts as a 'person in need', but we distance ourselves from any judgement in that regard, since we don’t arrogate to decide who is more needy or which projects are more worth supporting. It is not our scope and not at all our goal to judge people willing to save food regarding their level of neediness. We also want to avoid the risk of stigmatisiation linked to any declaration as ‘needy’. Therefore, anyone regardless of their origin, social status or belief may recieve saved food from us.

Actions contradictory to the idea of Fair-Sharing

Selling saved food is strictly forbidden! This would highly contradict the main idea of foodsharing. It is also not allowed to accept donations for the provided food. Greediness leading to excessive storage, or even with the consequence of saved food rotting and having to be thrown away, also stands opposite to the idea of Fair-Sharing.

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