Storage of unchilled food
A big variety of food does not need any cooling system to be stored properly. But still, there are useful arrangements to store food in cupboards and shelves efficiently.
What can/should be stored unchilled?
Actually everything that is not notifying explicitly a cooling storage. Some foods are also better stored in a dark place, like a cupboard or a shelf than in a (always humid) fridge. Like:
citrus fruits
apples & pears
Apart from that there is a long list of products that just do not need any cooling to last very long. For example:
canned fruits or vegetables in cans or glasses
any types of cabbage (e.g. white cabbage, savoy, sweetheart cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, etc.)
any kinds of root vegetables (e.g. carrots, parsnips, potatoes, parsley root, etc.)
nuts and pulses
flour, rice and pasta
cookies, chips and sweets
a lot more ...
Hygienic storage
To prevent filth there are some useful tips.If you follow them, the basic cleanliness of your foodstorage has a better level. That is why we recommend warmly to everybody to take this simple advice seriously and to transfer them, in your private food storage and in the Fair-Share Point anyways!
Store dirty food on the bottom so no dirt is trickling down!
Have a thematic system to be well organized!
Control the conditions in the shelf frequently (throw away rotten items, etc.)!
The choice of cleaning supplies
Use rags/sponges washed at at least 60°C!
Well cleaning with 6% vinegar-water mixture (e.g. 2 cups vinegar essence to 1l water)!
Dry every item properly with a clean towel before putting them in the shelf
There normally is no need of more agressive cleaner! (Exeptions can be diseased users of the storage or terrible conditions of the shelf.)
Frequency of cleaning
Do a thorough cleaning with 6% vinegar-water mixture at least once per month, every week would be even better!
Remove spilled liquids with a clean rag immediatly and be sure to also remove the source!
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