Risky food

Risky food

Easily perishable foods and drinks that have a potentially high risk of noxious effects and are therefore not fit to be shared via foodsharing. This category comprises of:

  • Ground pork

  • Minced beef

  • Products made from unheated raw milk

  • Homemade dishes containing raw egg

  • Alcohol

  • Even more things..?

Products made from unheated raw milk

This refers to raw milk cheese like mozzarella, camembert, feta or Harz cheese. Some types of hard cheese are also made from raw milk, but the long maturing time kills most of the possibly dangerous bacteria so hard cheese can be shared via Fair-Share Points. In old times dairy products like yoghurt, curd and cottage cheese were made from raw milk as well, but today the industry uses almost always pasteurized milk, that was briefly heated up to high temperatures. All products made from pasteurized milk are sharable.

Homemade dishes containing raw egg

Raw egg is extremely attractive to germs and homemade puddings, creams and mayos can quickly become a health hazard. Industrially produced egg-based food is made to last longer, treated in various sophisticated ways to reach that goal and therefore can be shared via Fair-Share Points.


Due to heavy regulations in most countries and huge potential health risks alcohol and other drugs are not to be distributed via Fair-Share Points or foodsharing in general.

Even more things..?

Since we approach this subject from a German/European perspective, there may be kinds of food we don't even think about, but which may be common in your area and as delicate. We also can not foresee how big of an impact the maybe very different climate in your region may have, so please be aware, that this list is not necessarily finished and should be only used as a starting point for you to work with. Meaning: Extend is as you see fit so that it can do your circumstances justice!

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