In our organisation we have a culture in which:
We make decisions and we stand for them. We aren’t afraid to try out new things, indeed the project itself is something new. Sometimes, things go wrong. It’s always okay to make a mistake as long as one is capable of learning from that mistake. Sometimes things aren't perfect. It's better to start things in the knowledge we can reevaluate decisions later.
We are courageous. If something goes horribly wrong, we deal with it then. We are never nervous in advance. Everything can go wrong, and everything can go right. We are allowed to do the wrong thing, because otherwise, we can never do the right thing either.
We advance one another. We depend on our cohesion. It is just as much an achievement to show solitary brilliance in results as it is to advance other contributors.
We trust one another. We know that each and every one of us wants the best for yunity.
We assume good faith. We assume that everybody wants the organization to succeed, even when they do things we don’t understand. We assume they act out of a desire to help the project, even if we perceive the result as directly opposite. In such situations, we show patience and encouragement while helping newcomers make themselves comfortable in our organizational culture.
We promote accountability. We agree to give accounts for things we commit to. We leave the concept of responsibility which implies ownership and leads to defensiveness and exclusivity.
We stand for our opinions. We never say “Many people feel...” or try to hide behind some kind of quantity of people. Our opinions are always and only our own and we stand for them. The one exception is when we represent an organization in a protocolled decision.
We speak from our own position. When we perceive somebody as being in the wrong, we never say “you’re stupid” or similar, but start from our own thoughts, feelings, and reactions. We communicate using the model “When you perform action X, I feel Y, since I perceive you think Z”. This creates a constructive dialogue instead of a confrontational one.
We inspire and suggest, never command. In yunity, nobody can or should be told what to do. Rather, we must inspire eachother to greatness. We demonstrate personal commitment and begin, before asking others to do.
We react immediately against disrespect. Even if we have great tolerance for mistakes and bad judgment, we do not show tolerance when somebody shows disrespect toward his or her colleagues, toward other contributors. When we see such behavior, we jump on it and mark it as unacceptable. It is important to make sure that people feel secure, with no bullying accepted.
We aim for happiness. Perhaps not at every single point in time, but overall we strive to create an atmosphere where people are happy.
This page is being updated as we go. It cannot be used to legally or politically beat someone with because a certain part can be read a certain way: the important thing is the spirit and not the letter.