WuppDays: a yunity phrase for a residential project sprint, where property is lent to us without charge. WuppDays are an opportunity for contributors to meet in person to dream, plan, do and celebrate. Developers, designers, translators and all the many other contributors can fully concentrate on the creation of the platform.
- WuppDays #16, XXL Berlin
- WuppDays #14, Barcelona
- WuppDays #13 Bad Dürrenberg
- Wuppdays (#12) Witzenhausen
- Mini-Wuppdays in Chemnitz
- 2016-10-xx Projekt Werkstatt Saasen retrospective
- Hackathon Berlin, 2016-10-07/09
- WuppBreak September 2016
- WuppDays #9, Kirchheim unter Teck, 2016-08-02 to 2016-09-01
- Synergy Hub WuppDays, Rotterdam, 07.-27. July 2016
- WuppDays #8, Heichelheim (Weimar), 2016-06-13 to 2016-06-27
- WuppDays #7, Kirchheim unter Teck, 2016-05-14 to 2016-05-27
- WuppDays #6, Rotterdam, 2016-03-21 to 2016-04-11
- WuppDays #5, Nürnberg, 2016-02-01 to 2016-02-14
- WuppDays #4, Chemnitz, 2016-01-02 to 2016-01-17
- WuppDays #3, Chemnitz, 2015-11-27 to 2015-12-13
- WuppDays #2, Mainz, 2015-11-12 to 2015-11-21
- WuppDays #1, Malo, 2015-09-20 to 2015-10-16
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