Expenses - WuppDays #5

Expenses - WuppDays #5

Donation by proxy transaction

DateItem descriptionDonorRetailerTransactionBalance
Income ()
Expenditure ()
2016-02-16Pfand for return of aluminium and PETTilmann and Douglas WebbEdeka1.75-n.a.
2016-02-16Pfand for return of glassTilmann and Douglas WebbEdeka2.53-n.a.
2016-02-16Dish soap and washing machine pwderTilmann and Douglas WebbEdeka-3.58n.a.
Totals:   4.283.58n.a.

  File Modified

JPEG File pfand_for_alu_PET_glass.jpg

Feb 16, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File Cleaning_products_and_leftover.jpg

Feb 16, 2016 by Douglas Webb


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