2016-02-08 - Morning round

2016-02-08 - Morning round

Present: Douglas Webb Matthias Larisch, Tilmann, Manuele Carlini, Tais RealKirstin Siu, Bodhi Neiser, Janina Abels and Philip Engelbutzeder

Notary: Joachim Thome

Location: Nürnberg

[Round begins: 10:35]

TM: is fine and has a dentist date, wants to do product specs and compare to invision

JA: fine, wants to: clean ,look at wiki 

Doug: bit stress. wants to : clear wiki , sc , money scenario

PE: feels good , today look into money sourvey, and value ,  RF is arriving

JT: wants to review moneytalk and valuepage with janina,do trello organization with doug, 

ML: slept well , had pancakes :-P will spend time with tillman , doesnt know if this is right people for product decision has some private stuff

TR: good: wants to clean , suggests people leaviung for that time, sort out email.

BN: slept well , concept paper for wupphouse with Melinda , use of money , help with product specs. groups for today

specs: tilmann, bodhi , matthias support by doug and Joachim

cleaning first big room then the rest ,

meeting starts meanwhile in big room.

6pm foodsharing pickup> phillip and tais

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