

A concise bi-weekly community report, inspired by the Scrum of Scrums.

The layout is supposed to be dynamically adapted to the different topics, focus areas and successes we choose and create. The target audience are people who are interested in yunity, and who want to keep as up-to-date as possible, without immersing themselves into yunity completely.


Here you can find the work-in-progress file for the next issue:


Every second Sunday (in calendar);

  • Until 19:00 - Everybody can add info to the template and discuss the content in #heartbeat on Slack.
  • At 19:00 - The heartbeat gets published as a blog post on this wiki.
  • At 20:00 - The wiki blog post gets published over the yunity account on facebook.

You want to contribute...
but you don't know how?

  • Talk to us!
    Via Mail: mail@yunity.org
    In our open chat:
  • Then we can put your thoughts in the next issue.

  • Or directly join the team!
  • Create an account for this wiki.
  • Tell us that you want to edit pages, then we'll grant you the rights to do so.

Related content

To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...

You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!