Community Channels
Community Channels are places and connections where we publish information about yunity and also where people can reach us.
This page gives an overview about all current channels and the contact. Feel free to add your name if you find yourself responsible.
Project page
Contact: Tilmann and Janina Abels
Information for interested visitors
Contact: Tilmann, Janina Abels, Matthias Larisch
Contact: Matthias Larisch, Nick Sellen, Tilmann
Source code and information that can be read by prospective developers
Contact: Tilmann Janina Abels, Douglas Webb
This wiki. Contains our legacy and some new stuff.
Contact: Tilmann
General mail address for yunity. Gets forwarded into Slack #incoming-mails
Contact: Janina Abels
Post regulary, with information about the yunity project and other related topics.
Contact: Janina AbelsWuppDays and other promotional videos
Related content
To the extent possible under law, the yunity wiki contributors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the content of the yunity wiki. More information...
You have an account but can't edit or create pages? Write us in the open chatroom or in our yunity Slack!