2016-02-07 - Evening Wupp round

2016-02-07 - Evening Wupp round


  • House
    • The fridge issue
    • Cleaning
    • Accomodation for the next
  • Mock-up of the website presentation
  • From the last months
  • Policy
  • News



Present: Douglas Webb, Matthias Larisch, Tilmann Becker, Manuele Carlini, Tais Real, Kirstin Siu, Bodhi Neiser, Rebecca ?, Philip Engelbutzeder and Janina Abels

Location: Nürnberg

[Meeting begins: 21:10]

MC: A lot of people coming, fortunately Bodhi has a friends flat! All can be accomodated. 10:00 - 14:00 the new fridge will arrive tomorrow. Old fridge not yet collected... Would like to have a one hour cleaning session, starting 11:00 tomorrow. Toilet: some of the screws are loose. Will order TV bracket, guitar bracket (and shower bracket) - install this week.

MC: Presents invision mockup: https://invis.io/UT5X7X0R7 - pwd: dragonlove Mentions that sketching is hindered by the fact that MVP is still not fully defined. Emphasis on ease of use. The advantage of starting this process means that the front-end can start developing independently of the backend.

MC: We should re-evaluate how we've done. Also, we should re-evaluate just the

    • TB: Product retrospective should be done online to includes everyone.

PE: Andrea who visited today wrote the book Leibhu for his Bachelors degree, a Nürnberg based sharing collection. Tomorrow will go through the money survey results.

    • TB: Please upload the
    • MC: Let's have a discussion about cash
    • We can have discussions without scheduling

DW: The first online systemic consensus is in the voting phase.

TR: Started investigations into the yunity tours, feel free to contact me with suggestions. Let's visit Projekt 31.

JT: In touch with developers of Konsensierung.eu - hopefully bugs will be fixed soon. Perhaps we can make our own?

    • ML: It is actually in our future goals.

KS: Would like to have morning and evening rounds to synchronise teams. Propose we set targets tomorrow, teams can casually set their own targets. We should post skype links for any remote contributors.

[Meeting begins: 21:10]


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