2016-02-04 - Evening business round

2016-02-04 - Evening business round

Present: Douglas WebbTais RealManuele CarliniJoachim ThomePhilip EngelbutzederJanina Abels and Axel Kalitzki

[Round  begins: 22:10]

DW: 'Which logo should we use for yunity?' - systemic consensus now online. Details will be posted on general, correction made if necessary

    • MC: Concerns that the process is slow and that people will speak about things they don't know about.
    • JT: Please have a look over the documentation on the wiki. 

TR: Will begin contacting translators and organising applicants.

MC: 2 people can sleep at Christines, 2 people can sleep at Pranavs - Beata and Martin will sleep at Pranavs. On Sunday someone will come to pick p the fridge, on Monday the new fridge will be delivered (10:00 - 14:00). OpenWuppDays: where whouls we have it? Lasertag! Next weekend with everyone. They need to know exactly how many people will come. Happy to pay for moneylessers. First WuppDays video now post-productioned and on a privatised Youtube channel!

    • PE: We should contact Bodhi and Adrean to see when they get here.
    • DW: I'll be accountable for accomodating people.
    • DW: Let's have an offline systemic consensus on the open wuppdays tomorrow.

JT: Enquires about digital writing tablet for making yunity comics

    • DW: welcome to try my x220

PE: Conversation with Robert Lipp, Share-and-care association supports yunity and could act as a carrier. This has the advantage of being essentially free (money wise). The association lies in line with yunitys missiona and vision. Standard email for English and German applicants made. Auto-reply email ready soon. 4 blog posts are ready. Pitch video storyline complete and sent to Christian Muth. Tomorrow skyping with ShareIt. Foodsharing event in Siegen 5th and 6th of March, Johannes Arens will lead this. Elena want to get the collaborative wiki moving.

JA: Indexed blog and wrote posts. Looked over Foodsharing wiki. To reach a decision on all foodsharing terms soon.

AK: I leave at 12:00 tomorrow. Wht tasks are there I can do from afar?

    • PE: Kirstin has expressed interest in indexing tasks that can be done from afar. The yunity tours would be useful, documenting places and spaces for that. The yunity festival at Kirscheim would be something else. Searching for locations for the WuppHaus...

[Round ends: 23:00]

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