2016-10-xx Projekt Werkstatt Saasen retrospective

2016-10-xx Projekt Werkstatt Saasen retrospective

In October several people from yunity and the Und Jetzt orgateam stayed in Projektwerkstatt Saasen (Prowe). Jörg and Kalle were staying there also, contributors of 25 and 2 years respectively. In Witzenhausen, some of the people who stayed there got together and reflected on the experience. The first activity was to capture the feeling whilst there by relating it to a piece of performance/entertainment art. After this, discussion was had focusing through three lenses: not so good, puzzling and good.

# Book, film, theater, opera, etc

* Q: Spiderman

* Cille: The Others

* Doug: Being John Malkovitch

* Birke: Harry Potter

* Lisa: Michael Lünneberger

* Flo: Das Leben Das Anderen

* Bodhi: (German film about misguided crime fighters)

# Not so good

* Lack of group leading to feeling disconnected and inefficiency.

* Lack of joy, active disapproval of fun from existing contributors.

* Lack of tolerance/appreciation of differences: monolithic perspective.

* Negative and sometimes dishonest communication. (known preferences/reactions withheld under the premise of self-organization)

* Constant feeling of misbehaving.

* 'No rules', but rules.

* Overwhelming amount of printed information.

* No truly free space.

# Puzzling

* Can we simply consider Prowe as our project space?

* What is the purpose of the building?

* How do philosophy and theory impact the implementation of the purpose?

* (Why) would **we** return? If we did, would we adapt or effect change?

* Complex and unintuitive building details - large emphasis on seemingly irrelevant details.

* How do we deal with human relationship issues? Conflict resolution, inclusion, bonding activities, exclusion, decision making, communications, meaning of group, etc?

# Good

* Weird and interesting discussions.

* Great alternative experience.

* Very strong emphasis on individualism allowed a lot of personal focus.

* Amazing, beautiful house without economic barrier.

* The general concept of the open action platform.

* Self-organization proof-of-concept, the ideologies thereof.

* Great resources both material, organizational and personal.

* Inspiring atmosphere.

* The architecture: small spaces allowed privacy in an otherwise open space.

* People open to discuss, even with differing opinions.

* The existing contributors are great.

* Direct communication.

* Information everywhere.

* A lot of space.

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