yunity Culture Home
Theory and lifestyle of unconditional sharing.
Expect nothing, experience lots!
Main working areas:
- thinking through how unconditional sharing can serve as a guideline in life
- documenting and researching the idea of lamâsch, which is unconditional physical proximity
- ideas on how to have sustainable, natural and communal health care
- collecting creative output of our members, like poems and songs
- recording information about permaculture and cooking recipes
Navigating the content on the wiki:
- lamâschology covers the documentation on body sharing
- the Health and Care section also features info on wild herbs
- the rest is random or self-explanatory...
Theory of unconditional sharing
Unconditional sharing is "the kind of sharing that doesn't expect anything in return."
What exactly does this mean? How can or should this influence my daily life, if I decide to make it my highest priority? What does sharing mean to me and where are problems and difficulties of the concept? Are there things that can't be shared and how unconditional can sharing even be? Lots of valid questions, which we aim to address and discuss here.
From the early stages on, there was a culture of body contact emerging in yunity. Since February 2016 it has a name: lamâsch, or unconditional love in the stricter yunity sense and the act of physically expressing it. Over the following months various contributors helped describing what lamâsch means to them, where the opportunities lie and how to handle problems. The outcome is an elaborate body of theory, which contains various different schools of lamâsching, a list of who is up for what and introductory and core texts.
Health and Care
Lara Earthling started to research existing systems of alternative health care to find a fitting way of implementing this important topic into our community. A lot of knowledge about wild herbs that grow in Europe has already been gathered. Since food and medicine can sometimes be as good as synonymous, the permaculture section also is part of this, as well as cooking recipes and everything related to sports.
Creative output
Sometimes we hold open stage events at WuppDays, sometimes we come up with a song while peeling potatoes. Whatever the circumstances of their creation, here we collect the artistic expressions of yuniteers. So far we have poems, songs and the transcript of a skit performed at the open stage in Rotterdam.
Complete contents
- Theory of unconditional sharing
- Health and Care
- Lamâschology
- Miscellaneous
- yunity book club
- yunity Poems
- yunity Songs
Recently updated
- Philip Engelbutzeder (2570 days ago)
- Janina Abels (2618 days ago)
- Cille (2620 days ago)
- Arno Döpper (2766 days ago)
- Laurina (2875 days ago)
- Lara Earthling (2876 days ago)
- Nick Sellen (2894 days ago)
- Matthias Larisch (2901 days ago)
- fr4nk 0nf1r3 (2932 days ago)
- Kaiser Mikato (2941 days ago)
- Tilmann (2942 days ago)
- Robert Werth (2944 days ago)
- Hans-Christian Eick (3012 days ago)
- Douglas Webb (3073 days ago)
- Bodhi Neiser (3079 days ago)
- Tais Real (3082 days ago)
- Joachim Thome (3086 days ago)
- Anja Konhäuser (3087 days ago)
- Zed Redstone (3104 days ago)
- Paul Free (3154 days ago)
- Elina (3169 days ago)
- Monika (3194 days ago)
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