

The study of cuddling and body contact, which is frequently taking place in physical gatherings of yuniteers.

Etymology (word origin)
Definition within yunity



Derived from "la mâche" [French]: corn salad.
Germanized by adding an 's'.
Then naturally adapted to English word formation paradigms by adding the 'ing' over time.

Unconditional love in the stricter yunity sense.

to lamâsch


Started out as 'lamâschen' (following the German word formation and conjugation paradigm) but was mostly used in English-speaking contexts and thus changed to fit them better.

To really, truly, deeply appreciate someone's presence.

Can also be applied to the physical action of caressing others while feeling said appreciation.

Since body contact is intimate and everybody sets their boundaries differently confusion is to be expected!
We all experience it and figure out how to deal with it on the go, so don't think you are the only one if a situation arising during lamâsching puzzles you and don't be afraid to address it verbally! 

The significance of lamâsching is perceived differently by every yuniteer. Some consider it an existential part of their vision of yunity, while others don't.
If you like the project in general, but don't fancy all this touching, it is no problem at all! Nobody has to participate in lamâsching to be part of yunity! 


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