Lamâsching Protocol (Elina's School)

Lamâsching Protocol (Elina's School)

Lamâschtê young yuniversal unconditional lover. You will find here all you need to know to get started with the lamâsching experience. Don't be shy, it's 100% safe and recommended by 99,99999% of yuniteers!

The 6 steps of the perfect lamâsching session

1) Lie down in a comfortable and friendly atmosphere*.

2) Get closer and try to be in contact with as many people as possible around you**.

3) Make sure everyone is comfy and invite them to relax.

4) Activate your hands all together in a warm and soft way***.

5) If you feel any awkwardness, don't hesitate to tell a joke.

6) Enjoy and make sure all the hands are active.


  • Fingers in the mouth
  • Farts when a fart-free area has been agreed upon (cf. Elina's School of Lamasching)
  • Inactive hands

To go further

You enjoyed to lamâsch but you still feel up to more? Don't hesitate to get in touch with experienced lamâschers to find out about the magic of Lama Schutra.

*Soft lights and music are recommended but not mandatory. Funky rhythms have proved their efficacy while depressing ones are to be avoided!

**Ideally everyone!

**4 g.2 cm/s is the official recommendation of the yuniversal Lamâsching Federation

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