

Thanks to the amazing Sylvia we not only learned how to identify wild herbs and berries but also how to use them in different ways, for eating, cosmetics etc.

Here we can collect our experiences for making stuff on our own. Also stuff that the amazing /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/pages/32440618 can use for cooking for some hungry wuppers.

Do more - buy less!



Pick fresh ribwort (Spitzwegerich) and bedstraw (Labkraut) or use the herbs inlaid in oil (e.g. sunfloweroil). Heat up the oil with the herbs (not too hot!) and let it simmer for a while. Then add beeswax (10% of the amount of oil you use, so if you have 100ml oil → 10g beeswax) and let it dissolve. Stir frequently. Then strain the oil-wax mixture in clean glasses or boxes and let them cool down completly before putting on the lid.
The sunscreen will last for about a year when stored in a cool and dry place. 
You can also add some lavender or other nice flowers/oils for a more pleasant smell. Lavender also keeps away mosquitos!

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