ARCHIVED (was Bad Dürrenberg) Home
Whoohoo! Finally! We found the first permanent WuppSpace!
Ok... it was heavily damaged by fire and water over the last years, but we see this as a challenge and an experiment. And we expect the outcome of it to answer some questions on how to make abandoned spaces like this one accessible again in a mostly money-free way, to save them and share them unconditionally.
Welcome to your new space!
WuppHouse Bad Dürrenberg starting page! Content under constant construction!
General information
Am Bahnhof 2
06231 Bad Dürrenberg
(We have a postbox, you can send us physical mail!
)Landline phone:
+49 3462 9495697
WuppHouse Homepage:
#wupphouse_badue on Slack
Attendance poll:
December and January
Space contents
- Building and repairing of the house
- Networking and local integration
- Social architecture and concepts for living together
- Impressions from the site
- Meeting Minutes
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Janina Abels (2836 days ago)
- Matthias Larisch (2891 days ago)
- Laurina (2947 days ago)
- Philip Engelbutzeder (2959 days ago)
- Bodhi Neiser (2962 days ago)
- ...
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