Some more pictures from the WuppHaus!
Now the living are is in the ground floor of the residential building, so that we don't need to use the kinda broken staircase all the time. It also is way more convenient to have the kitchen accessible without using stairs and the way to the big outdoor toilet is not as far anymore...
Pictures taken by Laurina.
The livingroom/office.
This is the warmest room in the house because we use the nice big oven we found in here and keep a fire burning in it all day. The router is placed here as well, so it's definitely the place to be! And did you notice the matching sofas?
The new kitchen.
This time fully equipped with a completely working sink, two cooking facilities, lots of useful furniture, two adjacent food storage rooms and even a drain in the floor. That's useful, huh?
The sleeping room.
The pic actually only shows half of it, but as you can see we now have a lot of cozy mattresses, blankets and pillows. No need to sleep on insulation mats anymore, yay!
Inside the sleeping room there is a no-shoe-policy in effect, so that it stays comparably clean in there. This is also meant to add to the cozy feel and it works!
The hallway.
Facing the entrance to the sleeping room. The kitchen is on the left and the livingroom on the right. The europallets are only stored there temporarily, you should rather pay attention to the nice garderobe and shoe rack!
The compost toilet.
Because of the issues we had with the canalization - meaning we are actually not connected to it - we built a compost toilet. Laurina wrote nice and concise instructions on how to use it and what for, be sure to check them out!
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