Witzenhausen, 8.11.16
Participants: Paul, Lara, Hannes, Anna P., Cille, Q, Bodhi, Rosina, Doug Webb, Anna L., Arno Döpper, Matthias Larisch Recap: house is pretty run down, roof of the inside part is burned down, about 1000sqm, about 30k min. would need to be put into the building
BN: concretesation of Bad Dürrenberg house
DW: peeple may have different information
ML: decided in Saasen to meet in Wiz to get the Dürrenberg thing going soon
AD: only talk about Dürrenberg in this meeting, find out who actually wants to live there
Paul: have a concept first to see who would be in with this certain concept
PE: comunity living there would already be a porpouse for the building and would allow major goernment funding
DW: start in March because of the cold
PE: where to get funding?
ML: person contributions
DW: Material und buling without money can take a very long time or not be done in a way that meets people standards
AD: Bernd will want to know if we will use money or not
ML: there will be a "worst case" considering the cost, and we will try to lower this as much as possible
ML: wants a wupphouse that we can use very soon. Maybe there can be other houses that focus more on working without any money.
DW: make the concept "for a house that should be there soon" be universal and applicable to other objects
BN: split into groups to focus on getting the concept done and answering specific questions and writing text for the concept paper
question to the round: at least 10 people would be willing to stay there for several months for building porpouses
Questions for Bernd:
- historical protection (spacifficaly: roof), rescued materials
- realistic cost of the roof (with protection, temporary)
- overwiew other estemated other costs