2016-12-13 Baukollektiv / visit from construction collective

2016-12-13 Baukollektiv / visit from construction collective

We got a visit from two people from the construction collective we contacted.

We can stay in contact with them when it is about concrete building, they are not very much to be involved in the planning phase.

Talking about concrete steps they offered help looking at and fixing the roof of the living building.

We maybe get a contact to Axt & Kelle through them, we (Paul Free will be contacted about)

They also think that this building is really a lot of work and we should take care that we do necessary repair/fix work before it is too late (e.g. damage happens faster than repair)

It is very unlikely that they are going to work without getting money, they can maybe accept tools instead. They prefer working with professional grade tools.

When they would help us, it is important that the right materials are there (this is even more true for a Sommerbaustelle from Axt & Kelle for example).

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