Philosophy, purpose and practice of the house
The Philosophy of the Wupphouse is based on unconditional sharing and should also spread the ideas of sustainability, political awareness, social freedom and equality.
The house should offer open space for everybody who wants to share skills, knowledge, resources or time with other people. It should be a place for learning, communal living and organising or realising projects.
to live and spread the ideas of
- unconditional sharing (skills, space, resources, time, knowledge)
- sustainability
- political awareness
- open space
- equality, social freedom??
offer a place (for individuals and groups) for
- learning
- the organisation and realisation of projects
- communal living
- to encourage alternative thoughts
- Workshops, lectures, meetings, actions
- Learning by living (in such an atmosphere)
- Functional living
- Rooms with various ressources for learning (PCs, books, materials,
- workshops (bike workshop, wood workshop, etc.)
- people with knowledge to share
- sustainable living
- reduce energy consumption
- reduce waste
- integrate into and interact with the local community
- the house community integrates and interacts with people who come
there and be around
Doug: formulate purposes more concrete for less confusion
Arno: not really foodsharing/yunity-related; broad focus
Philip: Co-working / co-living as buzzwords in the philosophy
Curtis: Purpose to broad to make decisions
Paul: unconditional sharing just a phrase? „open minds“, „education“,
„reflection“ in philosophy
: All this will develop further by realizing the Wupphouseproject.
Nobody can estimate these things before.
Rosina: more details for a concept
Mathias: overview purposes from other Satzungen.
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