2017-03-29 Visions, Values and concepts

2017-03-29 Visions, Values and concepts

The meeting was about presenting individual values, visions as well as ideas for a concept. The task was described losely so everybody was expected to have different results.


- openness
- stability (conflict resolution vs harmony)
- support
- motivation

I envision a place that allows people to get closer to their full potential by providing a place that enables project work without bothering about resources necessary for that work as well as the life around. The place is not mainly about living but about projects that are useful to humanity either by helping the environment or working towards a better life through enhanced connections between people backed by positive values. Opening the space with its possibilities should boost creativity as well as connections between visitors and inspire them to hold to their individual visions. Project participators should themselves form a community through strong connections to allow for mutual support as well as well-being. Relaxing should be possibile whenever necessary, a space where ongoing problems of around society can be muted for times to regain inner strength.

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