Open WuppDays #1 Feedback

Open WuppDays #1 Feedback

1. How things were planned  

  • The idea was proposed at previous WuppDays, the main objective being to get more people interested in the project and keep them updated and involved. This may be seen as public relations.

  • Everybody was invited to come on the 9th and 10th of January to the Kompott to dive into yunity at the first open days, there was a:

    1. local press invitation, that you can see it: http://www.blick.de/nachrichten/chemnitz/ressourcen-miteinander-teilen-artikel9402989.php
    2. facebook event you can see it: https://www.facebook.com/events/778228945615398/
    3. local news with the radio, that you can hear it: ?
    4. newsletter from food-sharing, that you can see it: ?
  • Participants were able to get to know the team, the goals, the current developing of the platform, the history and the future of foodsharing with yunity. Also the opportunity to contribute and the chance to jump into different work groups, find tasks, have your questions answered and much more! Off course cooking together and share dinner and lunch

  • Further it was provided a phone number and an email address.

2. What can we maintain

  • We've had a lot of new people over the Open WuppDays this weekend which has been fantastic! New energy, enthusiasm and love. Around 30.
  • Eating together vegan food :)

3. What can we learn

  • Make the advertisement early.
  • have a round to introduce yourself and know others
  • Although our code is open-source, most of the rest of our information is very much-closed source, hidden away on the Google Drive or else where. This invisibility of our working information has been made clear to me several times now by recent contributors and I don't feel comfortable inviting new people until that changes. Please remember not everyone knows what you know and that giving them information really empowers them!
  • Since they were 2 days, a different agenda should be plan for each one of them, for example not giving the same presentation, or having different options at least.


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