Hackathon Prep. Meeting 2016-10-01
Hackathon Prep. Meeting 2016-10-01
Tais Real
Owned by Tais Real
Facilitation: Taïs - very informal
Notary: Taïs with help from friends
Where: Berlin
- create getting started wikispace (Tilmann and Nick, maybe Taïs for non-code related tasks): Tilmann
- write rough specifications of how the code should be: Nick Sellen & Tilmann
- write brief specs on seperate project ideas. Store them on the "getting started" wiki space, where they will also end up.
- fsint tool: Tilmann
- homepage counter: Nick Sellen, Tais Real
- mapping of existing initiatives: Tilmann, maybe Tais Real
- write instructions on how to get a devs set up working for fsint; must wait until further improvements
- make the foodsaving frontend setup easy and connect to dev.yunity.org for new devs to get started quickly: Nick Sellen
- product room: research brainstorming/post-it techniques, get ideas and structure: Tais Real
- Lars about coming to Wuppdays: Tilmann
- CO-UP for 3rd floor of Hackathon for a more hang-out area: Nick Sellen
- Michael Knoth (main current contributor of foodsharing.de code): Nick - not available for Hackathon
- Lars and Flo about tidying up code: Nick → jitsi meeting 01/10 10am → https://pad.disroot.org/p/devmeeting
- printing out chrisi's flyers and handing them out to Kreuzberg hacking spaces: taïs... maybe
- hoping someone will want to take care of contacting hacking places through their chatrooms
- publish event in foodsharing Berlin: tais
- send out text to Reflect Info Berlin mailing list: tais
- write first part of presentation about yunity in general: Tais Real
- prepare introduction for Friday 8pm: Nick Sellen
- configure handy-to-access & understand MediaKit (Tais Realand Janina Abels?)
- think of specific tasks for fsint design
- yunity culture presentation for Sunday
People's written priorites/thoughts/tasks:
Make it so that the developers arrive and can get something to do.
This is quite tricky right now as the code is not quite in the right state, todo:
- have a clear "up and running" guide/steps, with as few repos [1] as possible
- I don't want to think about how to accomdation people
- will we get enough developers? did we send enough marketing etc?
- will we have loads of non developers distracting us?
- will food work out ok? (probably, it seems to do well, and I think we can just store stuff in the fridge at co-up in between)
- How do we get people into this complicated code? It's horrifying! For me at least.
NS: I agree! I think we share this as a v high priority. Sneezoo/Flo suggested a jitsi call tomorrow, I wonder if lars can make it to, should schedule it.
- Should we split between FSINT and foodsharing.de very strongly? E.g. separate presentations, separate rooms
- How do we separate the people who want to code and the people who want to hang out?
- Public (personal) statement why we want to continue foodsharing development (as clarification and motivation)
- Update invitation page with the picture from Chrisi
- Print advertisments (or publish online) - there was a facebook ad, but maybe more
- Update this page: https://foodsharing-dev.gitlab.io/ or delete it
- Map of foodsharing interest
- lists of tasks for new devs
- presentation slides with all accesses to slack github app etc.
- get myself busy with useful non-code stuff
- Would a “product room” make sense?
- How to organize the space?
- Possibly more hacking "advertising"?
- projects to work on
- presentation
- space organization
- getting started page
- communication and invites
- accomodation & organization
- outcomes and priority tasks, delegating tasks
Projects to work on
Side projects that still help the main project, that devs at hackathon can get involved with if it's too complicated for them to contribute to core spaghetti code
Foodsaving International
1. FSINT tool frontend. NS: Would like to get consensus from Matthias, Tilmann, Lars, and Flo about how I could best contribute to make a nice code to work on FSINT
2. Paul Free Paul's idea: a homepage "hello we want to help you set up foodsaving click here with your city and name" with a counter and for example when there's 100 interested people we come and help them! Homepage where people can register their foodsharing interest for a city
3. mapping out existing initiatives
4. syscon tool?
5. Product room: endless debate about product features & dreaming. Taïs motivated to think about that, prepare that.
different approaches which can coexist:
1. adding unit tests [2] for existing code base
2. exploring new ways forward. e.g. clear API
3. refactoring [3] bits into PHP framework
4. translation support - would be significantly positive impact +1
5. make the code open source: people are worried about data issues. might be fixed already - and might help fixing them if they're open source.
Should get in touch with Michael Knoth, most active on the foodsharing.de code atm
Non-code related:
1. Collaboration possibilities between yunity, foodshariing.de and sharecy. Better communication with Orgateam; who owns the code, where is the code, etc., considering the complexity of regional administration and hierarchy within foodsharing.de. Also better communication with Raphael, Sharecy's goals - will there be a new platform by next year?
2. Design work on foodsaving international, on the tours, etc!
3. MediaKit for foodsaving int.
4. Contacting foodsaving enthusiasts (the people that wrote the emails to foodsharing that Janina Abels listed here...)
TB. Would choose 2 or 3 of these goals to write nice, thorough specs. Otherwise too much?
NS. Maybe let some of the hackathon participants decide on this too
Space organization
Meeting room into product room - talk about what the foodsaving tool
One big room for foodsharing.de, the other one for foodsaving international
Maybe 3rd floor for non-code related tasks (nick to ask for 3rd floor availabilty, looks fine on calendar)
Need a hackathon facilitator: guides people into what's happening. Can imagine Philip Engelbutzederas good welcoming man.
Presentation: Some short yunity presentation: how we got here, what we want to do. What is to be found where in hackathon space. Possibly Taïs.
Practical presentation of "getting started" page, tasks lists and explanation, etc.
Welcome round with who's interested in what.
Nick volunteering (maybe?) to do this welcoming thing. (history, welcoming round, ask the audience, see if someone wants to lead an idea - inspired by the person who did platform co-operativism stuff, not so centrally organised, get the room to lead... how?)
Idea: have at the end of hackathon a presentation of yunity culture and how much fun we're having etc followed by lamâsching introduction! Janina Abels? =D
Would be nice to have Lars and Flo (@donpiano and @sneezoo) at Hackathon
(big break involving Table-Tisch with and without table, playing non-verbal ball games with kids in park, yummy lunch and head shaving)
Getting started page
For devs who have no idea what exists and what they need in order to get things done. Information :
- how the tool should be: rough specifications
NS: would change a lot depending on what we do this week. Now the setup code is still broken. Merge both angular frontends? Merge sockets and backend repository. Make https://dev.yunity.org/api/ as a possible backend for frontend dev
TR: have 3 sections on homepage : FSINT, foodsharing.de and non-code related
TB: will do the getting started as wikispace space editable by everybody. https://yunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HAC
Communication and invites
Register form for the hackathon (already on slack #hackathon-berlin)
Have a presentation time on Friday and try to invite people to join at that time 8pm - already on Facebook
Philip emailed the following addesses, which should all be hacker kind of spaces in Berlin:
EGGBACONinfoSPAM@afra-berlin.de, (should just be info@ no?)
Use Chrisi's design for printing and sharing, adding yunity.org/hackathon link to blog post.
Print in printing shop and put it on Adalbertstr. in front of building ; could also give to Betahaus, C-Base (Taïs, maybe!)
Better advertising: through their chatrooms. No one interested to do it. Asked in #general on slack if someone wants to.
Taïs: just shared on Berlin mailing list Reflect Info
Create even on foodsharing.de Berlin
Accomodation & organization
posted on slack that people need to say so if they need accomodation
added column on attendance sheet
will spread around different flats
- asked Katia & Jeremias on slack + a friend of Taïs who frequently hosts for couchsurfing
Feedback round
nick: satisfied, collaborative, we're working forward flowing together. Yeay.
tais: enjoy letting go of facilitation structure for once, because so few attendees who know the topic very well. Also very much enjoys spending a day with Nick & Tilmann. Also excited about product room and hoping I can manage with the tasks I've set for myself for this week.
tilmann: was looking forward to it, then overwhelmed, then happy to go outside, then headshaving doubts, then happy to work, glad to sit on a comfy sofa, glad there's good communication. Were able to go on different directions at the same time and reconnect - not one fixed agenda.
(unsure when it started or how long it stopped for)
[1] repo - short for repository, short for git repository, the files/history that make up the codebase (we have a number of git repos on github for this)
- each thing listed at https://github.com/yunity/ is a repo, e.g. foodsaving-frontend, foodsaving-backend
[2] unit testing - modern, reliable code, has automated tests, which execute the code and make sure it works correctly. foodsharing.de doesn't have these right now.
[3] refactoring - rewriting code, not to change what it does, but to improve the internal structure. if you do it right, you don't see any changes to the site/code, but developers are much happier and more productive afterwards.
, multiple selections available,
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