minutes of the first yunity festival meeting
minutes of the first yunity festival meeting
Bodhi Neiser
Owned by Bodhi Neiser
Mar 31, 2016
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2016-03-30 - yuninty festival meeting
Present: Raphael Fellmer, Philip Engelbutzeder, Anja, Axel, Paul, Tess, Veronica, Davide, Bodhi Neiser, Jerimias, Björn Wolf, Anne-Sophie
Notary/ies: Bodhi Neiser
Location: co-Wuppspace, Meesteren Foundation, Rotterdam
Open Questions:
Details of the 2016 festival, number of people, who will contribute?
drafted core principals for the 2017 festival to be consented on: moneyles, open source, establisshing free space for co-creating, sustainable, education about sustainable topics, not selling anything
[Meeting begins: 16:15]
RF: Aim ist get different sharing initiatives together. Some already exist, like Ouishare Fest (commercial). Big festival is planed to 2017, only something small for 2016
Bodhi: only something very small this year, not even call is fesival
Philip: should be unconditional, this takes time and thourogh preperation. Maybe have something this year anyway to learn about how to prepare a festival
Raphael: include also commercial companys liek blablacar
Tess: make guidelines/categories of who we want to deffinately invite, then maybe make exceptions
Paul: everyone who wants to join is welcome. we choose the chanels over where we spread the word
Vero: likes that idea, draw a line at commercial intereset though
Bodhi: maybe venue would be avalble, the mill in weimar. i have no capacaty for this this year
Paul: is very interested, but can't comitt yet
Björn: is also interesed, maybe cooperation with Viva con Agua? Make a festival for us, invite only who we want to have there
Bodhi: think a limit of 100 people would make sense
Paul: participation instead of consumption, let the input come from the peope who come, not organize so much
Vero: UE is organizing an fantastic event called "united nations" in Mai, its about sharing knowlege and wisdom
Philip: likes the idea of co-creating. also likes the idea of creating a festival for us, to have a good time!
Blörn: get contact during the tour 2016 and jsut make the festival 2016 for us, then we have also collected a lot of contact for the big festival 2017
Andrej: is part of organizing an exhibition of positive changes in 13.-21. may at cavaleritza
now about 2017:
RF: diffinately possible to have a big event, foodsharing festival was already with 700 people an not moneyless but free entry, and very litle money. at least thousands of people, maybe even tens of thousands, to think big ;)
group writes down their 3 most important basic pricipals
open-source, also the festival itself, free of cost, display plaing phase
diversity: inviting youth groups, interaction, initiate co-creation, colorful, joyful, bring people together, vision
music, art
repair-labarotory, upcycling, awareness for foodwaste
sustainability: vegeterian, vegan, no chemicals, good waste-management, moneyless
professionaly organised, woow-event
Philip: core principals are: moneyles, open source, establisshing free space for co-creating, sustainable, education about sustainable topics, not selling anything
Raphael: nothing should be sold at the festival [general agreement]
Paul: if someone comes to an event where everything is shared, they won't sell anything and might also be willing to share their goods
Raphale: important for the venue is that we
Philip: for the community it is more appealing to communthat nothing is sold
Vero: thereis now fully unconditional festival. Should be as inclusive as possible
Bodhi: don’t make a “rule” out of it, but say that everything is free
Tess: make it clear what that means so that there are no false expectations
Paul: experiences from rainbow gathering. Tell the people that there are no rules here, but we do things a certain way for a reason. this worked and people followed the guidelines
Raphael: experience from foodsharing that if you leave things to open, people will abuse this
Vero: would like the special experience of a truly moneyless festival
Tess: does not agree with fully moneyless, maybe also invite people who sell things if tere is space
Philip: what is the aim? to create a community, this we can reach through unconditional sharing
Paul: output and values he totaly agress. method is unclear. freedom is very important for the full experiance
Anja: food should not be sold, we can save it
Vero: freedom is also free of the negative things that incuence our society
Philip: likes pauls approach of not forcing people into unconditional sharing and is kurios to find out more
Raphael: also feels this, but for the festival nothing should be sold there. About the advertising thing that Jerimias broght up: even if its without money, we always neet some companys that help us that we wil (have to?) promot on facebook, homepage and so on. Get sustainable companys.
Paul: invite companys who share inconditionaly
Philip: its not unconditional if we offer a parnter link of something
Tess: was not aware, sees what he can to
Jerry: will be in next year
Bodhi: would like to be more outcome related, we did not really decide on anything. Maybe quick syscon in the future.
Paul: in the beginnig only dreaming, have syscon as a seperate process. Liked the meeting very much.
[Meeting ends: 17:52]
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