What to bring with me? - WD#6 Rotterdam
Personal belongings
Listed below are the basic everyday life items that you might personally need during your stay. If you miss one of them or have difficulties to carry them to the WuppSpace, we can certainly find a solution - just notify the #wuppdays_rotterdam Slack channel!
- Basic sleeping items - sleeping bag especially, mattress and pillow as well if possible
- Basic bathroom items - towel, and whatever you need to take good care of you
- Working tools - laptop, and whatever you feel good to work with
- Enough clothes - there is a washing machine, but it costs money to use it
Community shared items
WuppDays welcome anyone who has the will to contribute to yunity unconditionally. Therefore, nothing else than you, your skills and your will to make change happen are expected at the WuppSpace here in Rotterdam - really!
However, maybe you want to bring extra little items with you that would make everybody's living conditions and the atmosphere easier and/or comfier. But you might not know what exactly would be the best thing to bring...? Well, do not worry anymore: this part aims to make a list of the things that are currently needed!
Food and consumer goods
If you still have food at home that would go bad if not eaten soon or dried beans you haven't touched in months, you may want to bring them! But please don't go shopping for goods to bring to WuppDays, since we try to use the least amount of money possible as an organization, and you spending money on behalf of yunity would contradict this intention. We do have money to buy things like toilet paper and tea, but since we prefer to ask around on site to find out what really is needed and then go buy it from the most sustainable source we can find in a reasonable timeframe, there is no need for you to travel packed with things that can as well be bought near the WuppSpace.
But: If you still have that great homemade jam your grandma prepared and you'd love to share it with other yuniteers, or you have a huge glass of curry paste that you can't empty before it'll lose a big part of its awesomeness and you want to donate some to the WuppDays kitchen please go ahead and do it! We'd love to taste your granny's product and we'd happily use some of that curry paste! We just don't want you to buy it for us exclusively, but we are all about sharing...
So in summary that means:
- Bring food that was saved (either from dumpsters, through foodsharing or out of your own cupboard).
- Bring food that is so good that you want to share it.
- Bring food that was taken out of a packaging that is too big for you to use up by yourself anyways.
- Don't buy food or consumer goods exclusively for WuppDays!
Technological devices
Computers are the basic working tools for yunity members, so if you happen to have a spare one it could be a good idea to bring it! Currently we are also looking for a projector to hold presentations with and watch movies comfortably. Oh, and sound systems are also always welcome
Nota bene: On other occasions there was a lack of power extenders and routers, but this time we are very well equipped in this regard.
Cooking tools and household items
Do you plan on cooking and have a great knife or a special cutting board you just love to use? Bring it! Do you want to prepare something fancy and need a special device to do so? Bring it! When it is about cooking tools, we won't tell you what to leave at home, since you will take it back with you anyways. So it's totally up to you to decide if you want to go through the trouble of bringing your first-class juicer from home. If you think it's worth it, go ahead!
There are also some thing that we are currently looking for, so if you happen to have the space to bring them, it would be very much appreciated (but again: Don't buy anything! Just bring what you can find in your surroundings!)
- a toaster
- plugs for a big kitchen sink
- strong string to make a washing line
- a coffee machine
- thermoses
- bins
We are currently looking for clothes that can be upcycled to get customized wupping outfits. Do you have old t-shirts, jeans, dresses or anything, that we could use for that? Please bring it! On top of that, a clothes Fair-Share Point will be organized on April, 2nd during the Open WuppDay.
Apart from that you can actually bring anything that could be transformed into art, be it old ceramics or furniture, brushes, paint, pencils and paper you don't need yourselves, strings, wool and fabric of any kind or whatever you can think of that would be nice to produce art with!
We can also bring our instruments if they are light enough to carry so we can teach each other and make some music together.
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