Expenses - WuppDays #4

Expenses - WuppDays #4

Donation by proxy transaction

DateItem descriptionDonorRetailerTransactionBalance
Income ()
Expenditure ()
2016-01-04Various food items, tea and coffeeEdeka-28.97n.a.
2016-01-05Oil and saltAnonymousEdeka-6.27n.a.
2016-01-06Bulgur and toilet paperAnonymousDM-4.90n.a.
2016-01-16Oil, toilet paper and teaAnonymousEdeka-9.11n.a.
2016-01-16Cutting replacement keyAnonymousRapid Key-7.90n.a.
2016-01-18250 Kg coal briquettesAnonymousM. Troschke-50.00n.a.
2016-01-19Replacement bike lockAnonymousREPO-markt-5.99n.a.
Totals:   -113.14n.a.

  File Modified

JPEG File 2016-01-05 Edeka (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-16 Key (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-16 Edeka (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-19 Repo Markt (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-06 DM (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-18 Charcoal (Bodhi).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb

JPEG File 2016-01-04 Edeka (Robert).jpg

May 23, 2016 by Douglas Webb


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