Too little sex, too much drugs only little rocknroll

Too little sex, too much drugs only little rocknroll

First the good stuff:

There was plenty of food, a good infrastructure and even interesting people with some idealism.
This is something that is almost standard during wuppdays and i want to mention explicitly that this is great that we have that almost as a standard.

I enjoyed some personal contacts that i had on the soft cuddly level and the aggressive cuddly level (groundfighting and sockwrestling).
I also had a lot of fun building the oven, although i am not completely satisfied with the result regarding the functionality, but that is part of the learning.

I also enjoyed seeing some people (Janina and Tilmann) having a more clear awareness of their sexual self.Nice!

The not so good stuff:

We were as a group quite disorganized and it felt exhausting to try to bring organization into this bunch of people that had assembled here, also because of "the bad stuff". There were again a lot of people that are new to yunity and a lot of these people were for my taste too uninformed and passive in getting what yunity is about. At the same time there was almost no good structural preparation in advance and during these wuppdays.
This would not have been a huge problem if people themselves were ok with that. But actually as soon as the drugtrips slowly came to a halt there suddenly arose an awareness for need of structure and out of this came hasty and not well thought through approaches on this level...as if people have learned nothing from the last months in yunity and cowupping.

Nick is still ignoring me, something i can live with as long as there is mutual respect on the physical level.I would prefer to have that at least on a level where we are able to greet each other.

The bad stuff:

The really bad things were for me on the personal needs level. Experiencing drugged people that were actively inconsiderate about my needs of good sleep and fresh air to breathe was something that i did not have for quite a while that extreme.
I like the band mindless self indulgence but to experience that from the people around me is something i prefer to live without. If this is what will be more established as a way of doing things, even if that is only in a "party state" in yunity, than i can say clearly that i will not be part of this for much longer. I did not feel being part of a group these wuppdays.

These wuppdays i experienced another example why the ability of critical thinking and a consistent form of self reflection is important in a forming group and how the lack of it leads to fearful dissipating statements, ignorance, suppressed aggression and other inconsiderate behaviour.

These wuppdays i felt better the more people left and that is a really bad sign for me.

As requests i want to send out the following:

Be considerate about the basic needs of yourself and the people around you. Check out the Maslow pyramid of needs to find out what is important for human beings, even if you lack the experience of having basic needs not met or did not grasp the understanding yet.
First try to be honest towards me, then you can focus on being nice.
If your priority of being nice is higher than being honest ask yourself why.
Act in accordance with your heart and (this and is really important) mind, thinking and feeling at the same time is possible.

Some thoughts also as a consequence of this experience:

At the moment i am focusing on getting the syscon manual and a proper introduction to it done to give it another go at introducing formal decision making via syscon to yunity, probably until the end of the year. I will try to do it good and it will be my last active attempt in this area in this group.

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