Brainstorming - Reliability of foodsavers

Brainstorming - Reliability of foodsavers

1st part of the Product Talks of the Berlin Hackathon, 2016-10-09, 14-16h

ParticipantsPhilip EngelbutzederArno DöpperKristijan MiklobusecZed Redstonefr4nk 0nf1r3Janina AbelsPaul Free, Katia, Björn, Adrean Liegel
Type of meeting: creative dreaming
Facilitation: Taïs

Facilitation inspired by the hold-up method used in MakeSense: using a board and post-its, get as many ideas as possible to solve a question without any means limitations.  

In the end the board contained useful, creative ideas not only for possible features (above the WITH line) but also practical tools to set up in real life, probably for the tours (below the WITHOUT line). Anything in between those two lines could be implemented both/either in real life and/or on a software.

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