Retrospective - WuppDays #2

Retrospective - WuppDays #2

Date: 2015-11-20
Location: Mainz
Facilitator: Douglas Webb

Note: I recorded the outcomes of this retrospective on my laptop which crashed, losing all the data. The sheet of paper with the '3 words' was found and the words copied verbatim, however the 'Top 3' notes were recorded only on the laptop (as the notes are discussion generated and not written down physically) hence that data was lost permanently. The notes for 'Top 3' are written from the best of my memory but are not necessarily what was said, and many proposals may be missing. I would recommend writing on an auto-saving application or web-application (i.e. pad.riseup.net) for note takers in future. Douglas Webb

3 words

  • It came together
  • Energy Productivity Personality
  • Energising Relaxing Intense
  • Energy Exhaustion Success
  • Energetic Lovely Inspiring
  • Friendly Miscommunication Misunderstanding
  • Momentum Friendship Moon
  • Steps Challenge Walk-walk
  • Warm Routine Progress
  • Connected Free Space
  • Way Trust Fighting
  • Food Continuity Pride
  • Definition Definition Definition
  • Complexity Dream Motivation

Top 3

What we did poorly: Deciding on and sticking to a realistic WuppDays schedule

  • Setting of more realistic meeting times (calculating team velocity)
  • Setting more achievable targets generally, factoring in personal time
  • Instead of breakfast time, just set 'breakfast from' and 'morning meeting' times
  • Instead of lunch time, have a buffet lunch (with the first person to eat ringing a bell)
  • Have dinner together, with a minute of silence before starting.

What still puzzles us: How we continue to work in a distributed way

  • Have wiki as central and definite source of information
  • If any proposition affects any other team/person/work-flow, all those parties must be directly consenting before an action is taken
  • If you have a proposition, either join the team and follow it through OR give it to that team and don't care about the result
  • Better defined team, working more closely together

What we did well: Being mostly organized

  • Have 'time police' in future
  • Have 'celebration of events' in future

Round of appreciation

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