Sprint #7 (WD7-S2) Retrospective

Sprint #7 (WD7-S2) Retrospective

Bicycle tour

Matthias Larisch: Going over undiscovered road - I'm not sure where to go but see somewhere far ahead

Tess: Stroll around the block, stopped for squirrel-ice-cream
Monika: Like the yunity logo; we went, came back and are almost at the same point.
Douglas Webb: A lot of uphill also fixed a couple punctures.
Martin Schott: We started, got lost, but reached higher ground to see further.
Chrisi: Uphill - my bike broke! Finally I'm on the hill and there's a decline.
Kristijan Miklobusec: Fixed the bike of Chrisi - standing in fornt of the bike lane and deciding which bike I want to take.

Three questions

What could have gone better?

  • Distraction by non-product activities. AP: Clear times for working: differentiation of work and other committments.
  • Sprint too short. AP: Schedule days before and after in a way not to conflict. Improving sprint scheduling. Minimum sprint length? Minimum WuppDays duration?
  • Non-product discussions influencing product. AP: Universal point of reference - master presentation?
  • Support for product. AP: Direct effort into securing resources.
  • Mixed messages, very optimistic output - are we misleading expectations? AP: Ensure the optimism and vision is preserved whilst keeping people happy.
  • Too few developers (Heavy lack of resources). AP: Get some!
  • Having to write things in retrospective. AP: Try and find alternatives, simply state that people don't have to write.
  • Not knowing what other people are up to. AP. Scrum of scrums?
  • Not able to start things. AP. Improve guidelines, documentation, buddy system.
  • Some people are into too many tasks. AP. Improve the distribution and delegation of tasks.


  • AngularJS... how??
  • What is the MVP?
  • What should our short architecture look like?
  • Where is the separation between product owners and clients if we're using the Scrum framework terminology?
  • What is our common vision?
  • Which topics/task are a part of the Scrum?
  • What has to happen until the first user stories can be programmed?


  • A clearer vision of what the MVP will be.
  • Great environment; building, nature, weather.
  • Cooking team! Really helped focus energy on product. Selina CamilePia Selina Damm, Tobi Rosswog, fritz holscher, Marina, Andi & Jonathan <3
  • Very lovely new contributors.
  • Found a task that I enjoyed doing.
  • Good team spirit.
  • Engaged and interested contributors.
  • An abundance of love and joy.
  • Achieved the sprint goal!
  • Taking the time to go through the existing code.
  • Sharing the vision.
  • A lot of nice discussions.
  • And hugs.
  • Setup the existing tools (IT-infrastructure)


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