Walk #11 planning

Walk #11 planning

Planning of walk #11
Who wants to work on what
with which skills and responsibilities?
  • -On yunity mvp proposal as wireframe designer, foculizer "team mvp proposal heichelheim" and scrum master 
  • -On quick syscon as wireframe designer , foculizer " team quick syscon tool" and scrum master
  • -Feedback of other yuniteers on existing stuff
    - Stabilize Backend: more tests, refactors, no new endpoints
    - Get AngularJS back running to see if it's usable (working together with Nick). If not, give up frontend work for this walk.
    - Slack integration for Quick SysCon tool - interactive Resistance/No Resistance vote
    - Support Lars if he wants to put his frontend on dev.yunity.org or a similar domain
  • - Read myself into AngularJS to find out if it's a better solution even for a small frontend environment (ask Tilmann about his frontend framework ideas)
  • - Simplify Frontend-Code (add comments; read myself into a more object oriented view etc.)
  • - Make it more pretty and functional! (:
walk goal: usable mvp proposal for tests     next retro: 23.7.2016

    Joachim > Devs: Tilmann, Lars
    Lars > Tilmann
Com Channels:
    weekly scrum (prepared every week individually) jitsi 
    Slack channel : mvp proposal new

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