Walk #12 planning

Walk #12 planning

Date:24.7.2016     Time: start: 12:00 end: 12:45
Participants: Tilmann, Joachim, Lars, Florian

measurable sprint goal:

Continue angular mvp 
make refinement for jquery mvp for testgroup or take mvp angular if ready in a similar state than current jquerry mvp
Get feedback on the MVP proposal 
Shift focus completely to angular even if testrelease with jquerry

walk duration

start :  24.07.
end :   28.08.


frequency : weekly

next scrum
time : saturday 6.8.2016 16:00 here https://meet.jit.si/scrumyunitymvp

scrum master : Joachim 

Who wants to work on what with which skills and responsibilities?

    I'm doing improvements on yunity-core: improving testing, extend API authentication.
    Improve some design (create profile pages, members for stores etc...)
    remove unused things in jQuery proposal
  • Login-Page and authentification
  • Frontend backbone and datamodel
  • Migrate Lars' designs
    contact Janina for testgroups
    give testready mvp to testgroups for feedback as soon as ready (7.8. )

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