2018-05-08 Karrot Dev Call

2018-05-08 Karrot Dev Call

Participants: Nick, Lars, Janina, Tilmann
Duration: 2 hours

1. Lots of socializing and catching up
Nick has been cycling from Berlin to Bath, Lars did his Bachelor Thesis, Tilmann worked on Kanthaus tasks
Not much karrot work done by us
Immediate future will not be much different. Nick will come back to Kanthaus in July, then they might become more active in karrot topics. Janina will start her inofficial Rails Girls Summer of Code in July too, so that might be a hot time then.

2. Potential topics that could be good to work on & gettings started with karrot development again:
Getting rid of the three dot menu
Filtering capabilities for full screen map
Where is the Store? -> on mobile
Zooming in on focused maps
more emoji in reactions

Other important topics (that are maybe a bit too complicated for a quick fix):
- system to remove users from a group
- conversations between users, on pickups and stores

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