User Account
User Account
A person can sign up to have an user account. They can log in with EMail and Password, recover the Password and delete the account.
Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals
Feature Set Registration
- As a user I want to register at yunity to become a member (U.1: trello card)
- by entering an unique EMail-adress and password and the obligatory user profile information
- user is already logged in after entering eMail-address and password as a not confirmed member
Stage 2 - MVP
Feature Set Mail Confirmation
- After entering EMail and Password the user gets a mail to confirm the EMail-adress
Feature Set User Account Details Change
- User can change EMail and Password
- changing EMail adress requires entering the password and confirmation by Mail
- changing the Password requires entering the old password
Feature Set Password Recovery
- A user can request Password Recovery by entering Mail-Adress or username. They get a Mail to confirm Password Recovery. After that, a Mail with a new, generated Password is sent.
Stage 3 - Distant Goals
, multiple selections available,
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