User Requirements

User Requirements

Feedback sent to us by (potential) test users. Their input was given in the form of natural text, which was then converted to issues on GitHub. Everything mentioned here has already been put on GitHub, so you don't need to report it again. You can, on the other hand, put more emphasis on the need for a feature, of course.

Origins of feedback:


First feedback ever, wishes and expectations without having tested any tool. Source: Stefan Simon.

Priorities: groups with pickups, map of stores, user profiles, users need to accept liability waiver

Ich stelle mir einfach eine abgespeckte foodsharing.de Seite vor. Auf so Sachen wie Forum, Schlafmuetzenfunktion, Abmahnungen und solchen Kram kann man erstmal verzichten.
Wichtige waeren eben die elementarsten Funktionen zum Abholen:
1.) Profil erstellen (Name, Adresse, Telefonnummer, EMail) und dabei ueber die AGB der Rechtsvereinbarung zustimmen (die sollte dann vielleicht erscheinen, damit man sie sich durchlesen und per Mausklick akzeptieren kann). Ohne Zustimmung kein Profil.
2.) Ich wuerde sagen, dass man nach dem einloggen dann direkt zur Karte kommt. Im Idealfall zeigt die den aktuellen Standort an  (zumindest wenn es irgendwann mal ne APP Version gibt, bei der Desktop Version weiss ich nicht, wie das mit Standortbestimmung ist) und dann kann man in einer Leiste (oben oder an der Seite) seine Nachrichten, Essenskoerbe und die aktive Betriebe sehen, in denen der eingeloggte Nutzer abholt. Vielleicht gibts irgendwie noch ne Funktion "News", die koennte man dann mit nem Blog bzw. der Foodsharing FB Seite der jeweilige Initiative verlinken.
Die Karte sollte die Funktionen der Karte von foodsharing.de haben, also auch den Status eines Betriebs (Kooperation, in Verhandlung, kein Interesse)
4.) Essenskörbe und Verteile auf der Karte eintragen können
Wenn es irgendein Online-Tool für die Ausstellung der Ausweise geben wuerde, dann waere das auch klasse, ansonsten würde ich persönlich das jeweils den Betriebsverantwortlichen uebergeben, da reicht es wenn es irgendwie extern nen file gibt (dropbox oder so) in den alle die ausgestellten IDs eintragen, damit es da kein Durcheinander gibt.

~ Stefan from Foodsharing Taiwan


December 2016, after testing the tool. Source Clément via Tilmann.

1st feedback : A member had a problem to create her profil. The password didn't work. I think she entered wronk password. But she could not change password with "forgot password link". That's will be a real problem if 300 people use the foodsaving tool. The problem with the password came from the uppercase on the first letter wich is automatiquely written.

2nde feedback : When people arrive on foodsaving tool and are connected everything is written in english. Many people in france, especially old people, don't speak english it could be a difficulty to find the link to translate from english to french.

3rd feedback : a general vision afthe pickups is missing. Pickups on one months/ one year...

4th feedback : everybody can add and remove a pickup. That could be a problem someone could remove a pickup by mistake. We have the same kind of problem with our present planning on


October 2016: Wishes and expectations based on the experience with foodsharing.de. Source: Karolina via Janina Abels.

We never used anything, so I guess we will have comments only after using it in beta version.
What I already noticed is that people in Warsaw even if they are willing to give some food, they don't want to plan it and then stick to it, they are changing constantly - come Tue, Thu, but not, come tomorrow, come ... we'll call you. I really tried hard to fix it and make fixed appointments, but people like shifting them a lot - which makes it also difficult for the tool, I guess. Could the tool allow for shifting the schedule for the shop? Let's say I enter that it's Tue and Thu, but I can shift these days in case I need - this week it's also Wed, or next week also Fr or other time, etc? That would be good.

December 2016, after testing the foodsaving tool. Source: Karolina via mail.

Thanks for creating this tool!

I have a few comments:
1) Can one enter more than one pick up at once? We have pick ups in one shop everyday, it's a lot of work to enter each again and again. Can I enter "repeat every day" or copy it 30 times or sth like this?
2) When I click on the calendar - it's hidden - the window should be on the top, but it's under the other window.

That's it for now.


December 2016, after having a look at the foodsaving tool. Source: Bruno via mail.

  • (already mentioned by others) - there should be different degrees of permission for someone to create pickups and to create stores on the map. That should include allowing people to sign up on the platform (some level of trust and basic human filtering should exist before someone is able to enter the platform). Maybe one or more community admins could have all these permissions. Maybe some people could have the only the permission of creating new stores/pickup points on the map.
  • (also mentioned, I guess) Notifications on e-mail: the possibility of receiving notifications for one or more stores (whenever someone creates a new pickup in a specific store, a notification is sent). Maybe creating a "favorite stores" tab would be an idea (considering a city where many many stores are registered on the map).
  • I think it's **important** to keep a history of the pickups (including information about which user created the pickup). There should be also an option for the people who made the pickup of registering afterwards if everything went well or if there where any problems or issues. Transparent communication is crucial to maintain a good and functioning relationship between the movement and partner stores.
  • (for the future, not a priority) - a reputation system. Number of pickups combined with mutual evaluations is one suggestion.
  • (also for the future) I don't know if you have considered this, but stores should be able to sign up as well (maybe with a special kind of account), so they can easily create new pickups (and evaluate/give feedback on the pickups later).

So far, so good. Keep on the awesome job! I like the simple interface!
In the following months I'll try to actually make people use the tool on a regular basis and then I can get back to you with more solid feedback!

January 2017. Source: Bruno in a comment on GitHub

One of the first priorities for foodsavers in Gothenburg would be for pick-ups to remain visible, as a motivation for people to start adopting and using this tool. Right now do not have a lot of stores and foodsavers, so it's been easier to manage it with other tools (sms, phone calls, e-mails), but we have seen an increase of pick-ups and of new people interested in rescuing food. The history function would be crucial then as a motivational factor for people to participate (besides notifications). If new foodsavers log in and see nothing, because pickups were already assigned or done, they'll just think nothing is happening.


January 2017, after having a look at the foodsaving tool. Source: Unai and Leire via Joachim Thome

  • Stores can not be deleted.
  • Possibility for regular pick ups would be nice

Foodsharing München

Tilmann is in contact with Julia, one ambassador from Munich. They would be interested to switch the website if it allows them to organize better.

  • Need to find out more about their requirements - Tilmann

Lebensmittelretten Magdeburg

Janina Abels was in contact with Ralf. They didn't seem interested to use a tool, where data like store contacts is not completely secure. They fear that board members or orgateam people from foodsharing.de could use this to make their lives much harder. Apparently there have been huge problems in the past.

To contact

  • Copenhagen
  • Rotterdam
  • Edinburgh
  • Moscow

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