Currently foodsharing.de allows people to use all the yummy food that would otherwise be thrown out for the rats to eat. Most of this food comes from nice supermarkets, bakeries, restaurants, market stands and they are all happy that their food surplus is collected and shared by Foodsavers from foodsharing.
The foodsharing.de website is the glue to connect all the people and to make this happen, it does things like:
- welcoming new foodsavers (the people who collect it) and helping them to get started
- communicating with other users through chats, forums, blogs, walls
- making sure that somebody actually turns up to collect the food with 100% reliability rate!
- all the boring admin things
Once someone has collected the food they can do whatever they want with it except throwing it away or selling it. One can make the saved food into food sculptures (and share them afterwards), eat it all and get fat, give it to some of the nice new Syrians, have a party, make a gift to your neighbors, share it in one of the 300 fair-share points OR take pics of the saved food and put it back on foodsharing.de for regular ol' users to collect (anyone wants a banana?).
This currently only works in German therefore only in Germany, Austria, Switzerland but we want the whole world to have this nifty software so they can share and save food too :) ... and not just food: cats, flowers, shoes, tables, solar panels etc...
Enter yunity!
yunity is the magic software to make this happen. foodsharing.de can use this software to run its website, but then so can catsaving.fr, plantsaving.it, boardgamesaving.co.uk.... you get the idea. This is part of the open source concept.
The greater benefit is having a single community, which will be hosted accessible via yunity.org. It will also be the one that powers foodsharing.de and other related communities like flowersaving, carsharing, itempooling... . All members of yunity.org can talk to members of other communities, as if they would be living in a big housing cooperation.
If someone has an idea for a new community, he or she can contribute the idea and even the necessary code to yunity.org, which will be enabled after a short review among other developers.
This has nothing to do with the legal structure of how each website is setup, they can be a group of people/Assoziation/Non-Profit/Charity/Company/whatever and still use yunity
Let's get serious now...
In order to be clear about the features, a functional specification needs to be written. This is what the Product team is currently doing. The features are also sorted into different development steps, in order to have a working website with the most important features as soon as possible.
The first version of yunity, ready to unleash on the world is the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) - we take all the features we dream of, and only write code for the ones that are absolutely essential to make it work (if we try and write all the features then launch it, then we will get old and die before anyone actually uses it).
Have a look at the /wiki/spaces/ARCHIVE/pages/4227160 next...
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