Sharing Items

Sharing Items

We will enable people to share their things in two ways.

Unconditional Sharing

There is the unconditional way where you set an item completely free. It will then stay available to the yunity community forever.

An example: You want to share a book. You define who can request it, may it be someone from a community you are part of like foodsharing or your local urban gardening community. But you can also choose users with a high reliability rate or as well just for any yunity user.

Once your book is requested by a person you organize when the person picks up the book and then you share it. The one who received and the one who set an item free give a short comment and a rating on how it went.

Now the book has a new patron until it is requested and shared again. You can change the status of the book to “being used right now” so everyone knows that you probably will not share it right away. But users can still request the book. Once you have finished reading it, you will have maybe 3 request for the book and then you can decide to whom you want to pass it on.

If the book got lost, damaged or stolen, everyone can still see on the profile of the last patron that the book vanished. But normally that won't happen and the book can travel from one person to another and everyone can see how many people had this book and where it has been already.

Conditional Sharing

The other way of sharing is conditional where you share your items for a period of time, so it is like lending to others.

The procedure is the same, except that when you share something with someone you continue to be the owner of the item and whenever you need it back you can demand it and if someone wants to borrow it from the person who is borrowing your item, the request goes to you. So basically your item is staying under your control and whenever you need it you just get it back.

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