

1-on-1 Chat

This is a private conversation between two users. You may never leave, nobody else may ever join.

Some other information relating to things between the two users may be inserted into the chat (e.g. "James requested a banana from you. 5 minutes ago.").

  • created on first message
  • only ever 1 private chat between any 2 given people (unique in db)
  • can never be deleted
  • can never add another person
  • can never leave it

Note: a group chat or a chat about a thing could exist between the same two people, and this is ok.

Use chat only for "private" messages between a set of users (i.e. not connected to a group/store/event, etc)


This is private chat between an arbitary set of users, you select some users when creating the chat. Users may leave it later, and others may be added. Optionally, it can have a topic.

We use the word multichat instead of group chat to make it clear that it is not related to a group.

  • created explicitly by someone
  • no uniqueness in db (i.e. 2 separate conversations with the same 3 people in each is allowed)
  • can have other people added
  • can have people removed
  • not connected to anything else (e.g. group/store/basket)
  • (not sure about deletion)use chat only for "private" messages between a set of users (i.e. not connected to a group/store/event, etc)





Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals


Feature Set: Standard Chat box

  • Implement 1-on-1 chat
  • CH.1 As a user I want to have a 1-on-1 chat with pictures of both users next to the texts so that I can recognize the chat partner without knowing their name. (trello card)
  • CH.2 As a user I want to see my chat conversation aligned left and right, depending on author. (trello card) 

Feature Set: Item Request Message

  • CH.3 As a user I want to see a special message in my 1-on-1 chat if another users requests one of my items so that I have a record of what happened in the past with that user. (trello card)
    - in normal chat stream, with a special message showing details and link to item. "2016-01-05 21:00: User XY requests your item (url) Custom text" 

Stage 2 - MVP Final

  • Send images to other people
  • Multichat

Stage 3 - Distant Goals

nothing so far

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