Item sharing

Item sharing


Items sharing enables a user to offer items to other users. Other users can request the item. It might be a single lonely banana, a big box full of fresh fruit, cakes, rice, a book, or a tool etc..

An item will have a photo, a description, a location (lat/lon), an address (street, city, country), the type of item, convenient pick up times, published date, listing duration, who is eligible to collect it (anyone, within specific communities, my connections).

Every item has a wall where people can ask questions about the item.

Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals

Feature Set: Creating an item

  • I.1 As a user I want to create an item to give away so that other users can see the item. (trello card)
    -  item has a description of at least one line, which is used as title. New lines can be added. "Saved Sandwiches with salad, cheese etc. I also have some cucumbers."
  • I.2 As a user I want to add a picture to the item I want to give away so that other can see the item with a picture. (trello card)


Feature Set: Item List

  • I.3 As a user I want to see a list of all available items so that I can have an overview what items are available. (trello card)
    - Show short info next to item: post date, first line of description, link to item page.
  • I.4 As a user I want to see all available information about an Item on one page so that I can decide if I want to have it. (trello card)
    "Pictures, Description, Picture and name of offering user, Posted on: 2016-01-02"

Feature Set: Item Request

  • I.5 As a user I want to make a request on the item page for the item so that the system knows that I am interested in that item. (trello card)
  • I.6 As a user I want that by requesting an item I want to be able to communicate via a 1-on-1 chat with the user who offers the item so we can communicate. (trello card)
    - in normal chat stream, with a special message showing details and link to item. "2016-01-05 21:00: User XY requests your item (url) Custom text"


Stage 2 - MVP

Feature Set: Request Management

  • Overview about existing requests for items etc.
  • Requesting user can cancel the request.
  • item can be made inactive (not visible anymore) by the offering user.
  • Listing Duration, with sane default values depending on item type . After that date, the item is inactive.
    "1 day - 4 weeks"

Feature Set Multiple Pictures

  • An Item can have multiple pictures, where one picture is the main picture. Pictures can be uploaded or taken by a smartphone camera.

Feature Set: Adress and Saved/past locations

  • Show past location(s) of user. 
  • Address field with smart search (compulsory at least street name, city, country) (required)
  • Below the Address field there is a map who is at the beginning focused to the closest definable region

  • Map with active items, center map to user location (which can be entered/auto-detected/chosen from previous list). Clicking on it opens info window, containing description, post date, link to basket page.
  • Item list sorted by distance to user location

  • User can modify the basket. Let him modify all information he entered. Users with open requests to the basket get notified.
  • Show past items of the user to enable re-use.
    "Your last basket from 2015-12-24"
  • Have a 'tag' function where the properties of the item can be described with single words. Other users can search for and subscribe to tags. (-> own feature discussion needed!)
    "bread, sandwiches, vegan, vegetables, salad, halal"
  • Enter weight of item for search/filtering/statistics.
  • Enter pick up times, e.g. by calender.
    "Monday 6-9pm, Tuesday 7pm"
  • Auto-Responder possibility, so after a confirmed request additional information is published to the requester (e.g. telephone number, address, ...)
  • Set a maximum number of users to pick up the item (split it up). Users can apply for a collection slot, which is public to other foodsharing users.
    "5 slots"
  • Limit visibility of item to a certain community/list of people/connections.
    "List of my neighbours"
  • Feedback can be given to requests. Default is "Everything is fine". Can mark requesting user as "Didn't show up". Requesting user can also give feedback.

Stage 3 - Distant Goals

  • Have default pictures for sorts of food, if no picture is uploaded. It needs to be made clear that this is only a symbol, not the real picture. Maybe a drawing.
    "Drawing of vegetables, drawing of bread"
  • Indicate weight of item on the map by marker size.
    "Big marker for 50kg, small marker for 1kg, etc"
  • Foodsharing is one of many Circles of the yunity project. If the user has the foodsharing circle active, a item is selected as default sharing option.
  • Have a share functionality to make the basket more public. Notify all users to which the basket is visible. Share in private message to other users/groups
  • Show post date relative to current date on the map, e.g. by colors green-red
  • Offering user can choose to be called. Let him enter his phone number. Remember last phone number. Make options available, when/to whom this number will be published.

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