Distant goal. May change heavily.
Stub. More details are needed.
The biggest difference of the yunity Crowdsourcing feature in comparison to a normal Crowdfunding is that instead of asking for money, crowdsourcing projects tap moneyless into the existing resources, venues and skills of one or several yunity communities.
So if someone wants to organize e.g. a brunch for refugees and neighbors, one creates a crowdsourcing project, gives it a name and defines what is need in order to realize it. In this case: a cook, food, benches, cutlery dish, people who help preparing the food, a venue and somebody who takes pictures.
If the crowdsourcing project is public, than anyone can help to make the brunch reality help either with their skills, items or venue. A bar shows the progress of the contributions to the event and everyone can see which task still need to be taken care of.
This collects together requests for sharing (needs/wants) within a certain context:
- Group
- Page
- Profile
- Event
The corresponding other part is Sharing.
This part below is from the "Module" of github and still needs to be more detailed and cleared
- activities from the crowdsourcing module on wall of page/event/profile/group
- when a request is made and when somebody offered help and got accepted (for both these activities the post goes to top of the wall)
- post when a crowdsourcing project was started or completed
- request for valuables: skills, items, resources
possibility to start a crowdsourcing project from the existing requests:
- on bottom of crowdsourcing box: "start project"
- name project, description text
- foto
- keywords
- invite project managers that have full access
- possibility to choose from the existing crowdsourcing requests which ones are part of the project
- possibility to create new crowdsourcing requests for the project
- possibility to choose start and end date
- filter who can contribute to the project (public, yunity users, my communities, to connected users, to 2nd level connections, to 3rd level connections, specify certain minimum requirements of trust elements)
- after creation, a crowdsourcing bar is shown below the cover photo that shows percentage of completed items/skills
- possibility to share the project as a post
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