Community & Group
Stage 1 - Rotterdam Development Goals
Structure diagrams
Wireframes for mobile page
Feature Set: Create a Community
- C.1 As a user I want to create a Community so that I can start organizing people with the same interests (trello card)
- every user can do that
- every user can do that
Feature Set: Teams
- C.2 As a community admin I want to have a team "community admin" which I'm member of so that its clear who is community admin (trello card)
- is created as default when Community is created
- C.3 As a community admin I want to have a team "admins" to which I can add or remove members of the community so that its clear who are normal admins (trello card)
- is created as default when Community is created, the community admin is also member of the team admin
- C.4 As a Community admin I want to be able to delete the whole community so that I have more free time in my life (trello card)
Feature Set: Creating Groups
- C.5 As an admin of a community I want to be able to create sub-groups so that I can organize my community better (trello card)
- C.6 As an admin of a community I want to be able to delete sub-groups so that inactive parts can be removed (trello card)
Feature Set: Join Community/Group
- C.7 As a user I want to be able to join a community so that I can meet others with the same interest and organize a revolution (trello card)
- no confirmation required
- no confirmation required
- C.8 As a user I want to be able to leave a community so that I am not part of a community that became boring to me (trello card)
Stage 2 - MVP
Visual example of a community (foodsharing)
Feature Set: Community Teams Settings for Admins
- Admins can add teams to the sub-groups and to the Community (which is basically the top-level group). The admins can give permissions to teams, so every member of the team gets these permissions as long as in the team.
- Teams have a wall and other features, depending on their permissions.
- all permissions for admin: Admins have all permissions for their community or sub-groups, as if they were in every team (obviously
- all permissions for higher-ranking admin: Admins of a community or sub-group has all permissions as if he/she was in all teams of all lower-ranking sub-groups (e.g. John is admin of sub-group Berlin. Berlin has sub-sub-group Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg has a report ream. John has full access to the Kreuzberg report team).
- all permissions for higher-ranking team member: Team members have all permissions for all teams of sub-sub-groups which are hierarchically under his sub-group (e.g. Mike is in report team of sub-group Berlin. Berlin has sub-sub-group Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg has a report team as well. Mike has full access to the Kreuzberg report team, but is not an admin for Kreuzberg).
Feature Set: Cause of Community
- Set the Cause of the Community (food saving, book saving, furniture saving etc.) (required)
Feature Set: Reassign Community Admin
- Community admin rights can be given to another user.
- They cannot leave community without giving community admin status to somebody else.
Feature Set: Community Stores
- As an admin I want to be able to create Stores within the Community
- adding existing stores to Community
- being able to move a store to a different sub-group.
- all permissions for higher-ranking admin: Admins of community or sub-group have all permissions for stores which are hierarchically under them (e.g. sub-group Berlin has sub-sub-group Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg has Store Kiezbäckerei under it. Admin of Berlin can edit and has all permissions for Kiezbäckerei).
Feature Set: Community Events
- As an admin I want to be able to create Events for the Community, a sub-group or a team
- all permissions for higher-ranking admin: Admins of community or sub-group have all permissions for events which are hierarchically under them (e.g. sub-group Berlin has sub-sub-group Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg has an event. Admin of Berlin can edit and has all permissions for Kreuzbergs events).
Feature Set: Community Sub-Group Pages Settings for Admins
- As an admin I want to create Pages for a specific sub-group.
- all permissions for higher-ranking admin: Admins of community or sub-group have all permissions for pages which are hierarchically under them (e.g. sub-group Berlin has sub-sub-group Kreuzberg. Kreuzberg has a page. Admin of Berlin can edit and has all permissions for Kreuzbergs page).
Feature Set: Community Membership Management settings for Admins
- As an admin I want to decide how new members can join the Community or a team: every user of yunity can join, admins or a team which has the permission has to accept, through an application, through a quiz (connection to different module which may grant a specific status), after real life contact e.g. through training pick-ups.
- As an admin I want to manage reports from members of my community through the report module
Feature Set: Community Management Settings for Admins
- As an admin of a Community or a sub-group I want to be able to edit the tree structure from my community/sub-group (e.g. moving a sub-group or store in the tree structure). Best would be a folder view like in windows explorer with drag and drop
(sub-groups would be folders, stores/events would be files, reorganize the structure by drag and drop).
Feature Set: Community Graphic Settings for Admins
- As a community admin I want to be able to set a cover picture min. 660x320
- As a community admin I want to be able to set a logo for the community
Feature Set: Community Location and Imprint Settings for Admins
- As a community admin I want to be able to set a "location" - either political (e.g. German speaking countries) or geographical region (e.g. Berlin, Germany)
- As a community admin I want to be able to set an address for the community (e.g. headquarters, office)
- As a community admin I want to be able to set an imprint
Feature Set: Community Settings for Admins
As a admin of a community I want a button "manage community" on the top level page/sub-group of their community as well as on the "setting wheel" on the left column of community/sub-group, which leads to the site where all community settings for admins are visible and editable:
- "general settings" (name, logo, picture , description, address, category, , public/private)
- edit the "community structure" (folder view)
- "manage reports" - report module (also seen by non-admins, if they are in the team reports)
- "manage members" (admin/role settings)
- "delete community" (community structure and top page/group is deleted but the other groups/pages/stores/events remain with their respective admins. Only possible for community admin)
- community admin can make settings on how new members can join (e.g. quiz)
every group/page/store/event of the community has the community logo/image on the top right of the cover foto to create consistency
Feature Set: Community Page Settings for Admins
- As an admin I want to create a Community page (top-level page) with the following possible information to display:
- Name of the Page (Community) (required)
- description (required)
- external Website URL of the community
- cause of Community (food saving, book saving, furniture saving etc.) (required)
- set visibility of page: public (standard), yunity users, only for the community itself (required)
- legal entity (organization or institution (name of association, foundation, initiative, project etc.)
- number of sub-groups within the community, names of sub-groups within the community
- number of members
- number of all existing cooperations with stores, list of cooperating stores and companies
- number of all activities (e.g. events, pick-ups of food or other goods, kilos of saved food)
- a map with all existing pages, groups and events from all groups or pages from the community
- amount of CO2 emissions saved in all sub-groups
- past, current and upcoming events
- keywords (e.g. food saving, food waste, foodsharing)
Stage 3 - Distant Goals
Feature Set: Community Crowdsourcing
- As a community admin I want to set up a crowdsourcing module for the Community or a sub-group.
- define if visible only for members or for every yunity user
Feature Set: Community Crowdsharing
- As a community admin I want to set up a crowdsharing module for the Community or a sub-group.
- define if visible only for members or for every yunity user
Feature Set: Community Merge settings for Admins
- As a community admin I want to merge with another community (needs confirmation of both community admins):
- As a community admin I want to disable community merging requests in general from other communities
- As a community admin I want to block certain communities from merge requests
- Different Szenarios are possible:
- One Community is merged into the other one and finds a place in the sub-group tree.
- Or both Communities are merged together in one (sub-groups are merged into one tree).
- Or a new top-level group aka Community is created and both merging communities become sub-groups.
Feature Set: Advanced Community Membership Management settings for Admins
- As a community admin I can create membership entrance requirements for new members trust rules/settings for the whole community:
- every community admin can choose the level of trust which is needed to be part of the community
- every community admin can choose the visibility of trust elements which are shown to everyone in the community
- visibility: discussions in community and sub-groups are just visible for members (default) or are visible also to non-members
- members can share the group on their profile or another page/profile if group is not invite only
- members can chose what kind of notification they want from the group (only admins post, all post, connected people posts, mentions)
- Having the concept of "following" a group/community
Open Questions
- How does the internal forum/wall/board/discussion space work? Grouped in topics/threads, how many levels of answering?
- Do we call it community admin, master admin, superadmin, community owner or top-level admin - a term which makes clear that there is only one person for this position!
To be added
- Community can require that users enter a Name, Last Name, Adress
- Community can require visibility of Name, Last Name or just Nickname
- Community can require a minimum age (requires entering a Date of Birth)
User Stories
I am an existing organisation and I want to integrate my communication and coordination on yunity
- 1) I create a community
- 2) I create sub-groups or sub-pages
- 3) I create sub-group and sub-pages to the existing sub-groups or sub-pages
- 4) I can reorganize and create more sub-groups and sub-pages in a folder view like "windows explorer" or linux file manager
- 5) I accept or invite members for the sub-groups and choose admins for the pages and groups
I am the organizer of a small foodsaving store existing organisation and I want to integrate my communication and coordination on yunity
- 1) I create a community which is related to two stores where I am the admin of. A new community is born
- 2) I accept an existing store which requested to merge with my community which than will be run under the community logo and can be managed by the top-level page
3) I decide I want to merge with another community which is also doing foodsaving, I contact the top-level page of this community and talk about details of who will be in the future the admin of the top-level admin ones both communities are merged or if everything stays the same, just the smaller community will become part of the bigger community and has to share the power to all pages above them.
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