What are the criteria for our license?

What are the criteria for our license?

Before software licenses can be compared, it is important to figure out what we want from our license as an organization. Finding out what the yunity organization wants at this present time (2016-02-25) is somewhat subjective, for although we have a Mission and Vision (see yunity), specific values have not been made explicit. As such, this page is dedicated to try and find similarities and differences of opinion on what a license should require, permit and forbid.

  1. Please add your name to the contributor list below with a personal statement if desired.
  2. Add any opinions in the relevant categories followed by your name.
  3. Add your name to any other opinions you support.
  4. Please do not edit or delete anyone the proposals of others.
  5. Please inform supporters of your opinion if you edit it.
  6. Please do not mention actual licenses, only what you believe a license should do.
  7. Please respect everyone's opinion and keep dialogue on other channels, not this page.


  • Douglas Webb - I want a license that leads to the widest adoption of moneyless, multi-sharing as possible. I'm happy for people to try and make money from our code as long as they publish their developments. Viva yunity.
  • Tilmann - I need a license that enables everyone to contribute to yunity and allows us to use existing code.. I want collaboration with other platforms.
  • Nick Sellen - I want the license that 1) best fits the needs/wants/values of everybody else, 2) is practical and doesn't impose any significant burden on us now or in the future, and 3) is a well-known license and likely used by other similar-ish projects
  • Joachim Thome - I want a license that makes it easy to contribute to the code by experimenting with it. I want the licence to be helpful when it comes to integrating other code and not restrictive. I want the licence to help the code stay open.



  • Changes to software are published under compatible license - Douglas Webb
  • Commercial use only while making the open source origin very clear - Joachim Thome





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