Liability contract from foodsharing Edinburgh

Liability contract from foodsharing Edinburgh

Contract Summary

This contract established the agreement between FoodSharing Edinburgh’s individual member: the food saver (FS), and the participating organization: Food Donor (FD). The contract places all liability for food waste on the FS.

Mission statement: Food Sharing Edinburgh (FSE) is a non-profit organisation that arranges for the distribution of edible, unused food that is going to go to waste. FSE is a branch of the SHRUB co-op. Our intention is to help reduce the food waste of local Edinburgh cafes, shops, bakeries, wholefood grocers, and restaurants, by creating a platform to redistribute unwanted food. While a business may not be able to sell this food, it is often still fit for consumption. Food Sharing Edinburgh can assist with the redistribution of these goods. We can arrange for a member to pick up waste on a regular basis that best suits the needs of your business. Members have to demonstrate that they are reliable and responsible in order to join. Foodsavers are aware of the social, ethical and environmental benefits in participating in the scheme, reducing resource waste and climate impact.Members are asked to sign a contract, thus accepting full culpability for the food waste. This negates the responsibility of this waste for the organisation. (We have set up legal documents to transfer the liability for the food waste to Food Sharing Edinburgh.) We will also document the amount of food waste produced by your business. This account will hopefully help you reduce your food waste further.


I, __________________________, as a FS am going to be part of Foodsharing Edinburgh as a Foodsaver. I will collect food donations from donors and will redistribute these to third parties at no monetary gain. I will not file any claim against Foodsharing Edinburgh, the Food Donor and/or their suppliers for compensation for damages. The Food Donor is excluded from liability for negligence.


Food Savers

I am obliged to exclusively redistribute the food free of charge and to inspect the food donation before the transferal according to my best knowledge of its health and safety. I have read and will comply the Foodsharing's rules of conduct of inspection, especially for perishable foods, into account and will abide by these guidelines. I have been given comprehensive guidance by FSE regarding food safety.

All food collected is not allowed to be used for commercial purposes

As a Foodsaver I guarantee the responsible and appropriate disposal of the no longer edible foodstuffs as well as the packaging, cartons, etc.

Food donations will be collected at times that are most convenient for the Food Donors. Generally, food will be collected at agreed times, however Foodsavers should also be prepared to be available at times other than agreed.

All individuals, associations, societies or groups may collect food as long as actions are taken in accordance with the rules constituted in this agreement.

Foodsavers are participating for social, ethical or ecological reasons in order to minimize food waste and therefore hunger, reduce resource waste and climate impact. The aim is to achieve a food waste pick-up quota of 100%. In order to reach this aim, it is important that all Foodsavers are well connected and that Foodsavers reliably organize their replacement in the case of their unexpected unavailability due to illness, etc. A replacement is to be organized at least 18 hours before foodstuff collection via telephone or e-mail.


I acknowledge that FSE will not become a Food Donor co-contractor and will not take any liability for the food donations.

Food Donors

The Foodsaver is allowed to keep an amount of food they personally can eat or can fairly redistribute to private people. Any other foodstuffs will be posted on foodsharing.de or distributed to soup kitchens, homeless shelters, non-profit associations, etc. The main objective of the initiative is to save edible food stuffs from elimination and to re-supply it for human consumption.

Each business, association, farm, etc. that provides food donations is exempt from all liability for food safety and the edibility of the products. The Foodsaver bears all responsibility of received foodstuff and is to decide if said foodstuff is suitable for consumption and for distribution.

The Food Donor agrees to store easily perishable foods and chilled products at their own discretion, appropriately and until collection by the Foodsaver, as need be. The Food Donor is obliged to indicate any exception, for example lack of cooling due to shortage of storage space.


__________________________________________________                 _____________________

Foodsaver,                                                     Date and address                 Ambassador of Foodsharing

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