Foodsaving Tours

Foodsaving Tours

Setting up foodsharing in Copenhagen and Rotterdam proved to be quite easy with some enthusiastic foodsavers who brought their experience spending some time there to help the motivated locals to get everything going. That's why we came up with the idea to continue following this approach to simply go places and get things started to then let the local people take over and run their foodsaving and -sharing themselves.


To have material to get started with info material already translated into the language of the place we want to work in will be extremely helpful.
Things that could/should be part of this kit:

  • Information about us and our project for possible accomodations to send out before we arrive.
  • Information for stores, like benefits and explanations
  • Liability waivers (e.g. the one from Edinburgh which is based on European law)
  • Flyers with general information
  • Maybe the cooperations and Fair-Share Point manuals?
  • anything else..?

When a facebook group is created in advance, we directly have people to work with.


August 2016: The general idea got this concrete in the beginning of the WuppDays Kirchheim II. FSINT will be presented at the German foodsharing festival in Berlin, 12-14 August 2016.

September 2016: WuppBreak at Tilmann's place in the first half, Janina Abels will go to Poland in the second half (mainly vacation but also to reconnect to foodsharing Warsaw.) Philip Engelbutzeder will be at Tilmann's place in the beginning of Sep and then go to Turkey for 3 weeks.

October 2016:  Matthias Larisch said that the lean foodsaving tool could be usable by that time.

November 2016: Tilmann starts his bike tour in the direction of Spain.

December 2016: Lyon (only Tilmann and Janina Abels present, no setting up foodsharing happened, just some networking)

January 2017: Barcelona (WuppDays #14 are planned to start on the 22nd)


Let's collect a pool of interested people, who would be up for traveling and carrying the foodsharing project to different places! The most important question being: Who is available when?

  • Janina Abels: Really available definitely from the start of 2017. Moving in October/November, unsure about availability due to that.
  • Philip Engelbutzeder: Fully available from October 2016 on. In will make a hitchhiking tour to Turkey and back in September (with a two weeks stay at my dad's place)
  • Tilmann: Fully available from November 2016 on. Possibly cycling to France from Berlin.
  • Axel Kalitzki: Fully available from mid-September 2016 on.
  • Anna O'Neill: Available from October 2016 on.
  • Joachim Thome: In general available for FSInt. looking especially forward to go direction south east (Spain) during winter and setting up preparations for that.
  • Paul Free: always on tour, but no interest in the FSInt concept. Will try to travel different ways, to have the possibility to experience a different way of community building.
  • Arno Döpper: Will be in Asturias (Spain) at the end of October untill middle of November - then maybe available until January.
  • ...anyone else?

Please enter yourself here or write us an email, if you'd like to be part of this!

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